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Any birthday at Camp is celebrated. As long as you belong in the camp, your birthday is heavily celebrated! One year, Elle was celebrating her first birthday at camp, but she didn't tell anyone it was her birthday. So she spent the day lonely. But later, as she was laying down on her bunk in the Iris cabin, she heard a knock. When she went to the door, No one was there, but she did see a box. Opening it up, she saw a note. It said:

Happy birthday! I know it seems like you are alone, but you always have me. There is a special gift inside the box that I hope you

Your mother, Iris
She looked in the box, and pulled out a necklace, with a prism on the bottom that reflected rainbow light. She slipped it on, and looked at the letter again. There was one last thing:

P.S: There's a suprise outside for you.

Elle opened the door, and gasped at the sight. A rainbow colored banner decorated the entrance to the cabin,  and there were many flowers in every different color outside. But the most heartwarming thing was the 7 of the prophecy were standing in the middle of it, beaming, holding a birthday cake.

This is a special birthday headcannon. For me! Today is my birthday, and I'm so excited to spend it with my Ohana (Family). We are going to Pennsylvania, and going to Hershey. I've got a new necklace, and I'm so excited. Love you gumdrops, and I can't wait to see you more often in this book!


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