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I was fighting with my new family but I nearly had a heart attach when I saw Riley. My old friend but now I felt a stronger pull to him,my mate!
I followed him to where Bella was, oh no.
"Riley don't." I whispered and he turned around, he blinked quickly before a firey haired woman whispered something so quite in his ear.
"Leave Estella." He said, using my first name." If you don't you'll surely​ die." He growled,the woman had  control over him.
"Riley, Isabella is my family,the Cullen's are my family and coven. I cannot let you hurt Edwards mate and my friend." Victoria lunged at me and I used the banshee scream on her and it also notified my family that Victoria is close to Isabella. She fell down to the ground clutching her ears,I aimed it all at her and her face started to crack. Edward was close,I sensed him and he jumped behind her tearing her head clean off and burning her. Riley was unconscious due to my scream,even vampire's can't handle my ability​.
"Edward it really is Riley. He's my mate." I cried, no tears came from my venomous eyes but I was still sobbing.
"Then don't kill him." Isabella said from behind a tree.
"It's not that easy Bella.  The Volturi will want everyone one of the vampire's that caused a riot dead."
"What if I put a mirage on him. It'll only cause the Volturi and humans to see him not as himself."
"Dangerous to your health but will work." He said and stepped back I concitraited all my energy to the mirage and I felt totally drained. I have several gift's, Carsile thinks it's because in my human life I was kind of a camelion blending in and becoming what everyone else wanted, I kind of have a bunch of abilities that change from time to time.  Edward grabbed Riley,laid him across Seth's back can Seth ran far enough away, Riley will be out for about a day.
•after Volturi leave•
"Luna, did you love Riley when you were human?" Bella asked as I drove her home, the family have to watch the fire and Edward needed to watch Riley.
" I suppose so, we were friends since birth, our mother's and father's were friends since childhood as well. Riley and I used to throw little weddings, he'd ask me to be his wife and we'd kiss each other's cheeks and ride around in my Barbie car with cans tied to the bumper."
"That sounds adorable." She said and turned on the heater, shit I forgot it was cold. I quickly sent a wave of warmth to Bella and she smiled." Thanks Luna."
"Anytime, your dad's home. Want me to make an excuse?"
"Nah I'll handle it,get back home before your mate awakes." She said and hugged me. She ran in and I pulled out once I heard her safely in bed. I drove home in silence until a certain someone jumped in the back of my truck. I glared at Rose before she climbed in through the window.
"What's up Rosalie?"
"Nothing just hanging out with my little sister." She said and ruffled my hair.
"We're the same age Rose." I joked and she laughed and we talked till we got home.
"He's been awake for an hour, he's a bit hostile and waiting for you to show." She said and a blur went past my window." There he goes again." I heart trees cracking and Emmett had a fighting Riley in a choke hold.
"Riley, calm yourself." He calmed for a moment before going completely busurk and going for my neck, Jasper worked quickly and Riley was unconscious.
"Asshole!" I growled at my sleeping mate.
"He's pissed and confused." Edward said chuckling.
"What's​ funny?" Esme asked.
"Oh he just thinks he'll overpower all of us and get away,he still thinks Victoria was his mate and now he thinks we're playing mind tricks on him." I could tell Jasper tried to calm my anger towards the thought of Riley and Victoria together. I tapped my mate's forehead and he awoke but paralysed.
"Listen asshole, I'm your mate forget about that bitch Victoria and start think clearly before I have to kill you. I'm not going to act like a jealous little sad human so if decided to try and kill me again you'll be ashes within seconds." I hissed and conjured a small flame in my hand. His eyes widened and I unparalysed​ him.
"You sound pretty jelly to me."Emmett just poked the fucking bear. I turned and shot a deadly. "Fuck I'm sorry." He said my family know I have somewhat of an anger issue and when I am angry you better hope your not the one it's directed at. I started walking away heading to my home.
"Come Riley." I ordered and he caught up but tripped I picked him up by the back of his neck and the men in my family stifled a laugh.
"So clumsy Riley, for a vampire so so clumsy." I muttered and kissed his forehead continuing my walk. I sped up and Riley was right behind me. I live about an hour and a half away from my family, just enough distance out of hearing range.
"Estella, are you mad at me?" He asked and I chuckled.   "No Riley."
"You are sure a dominant person." He said.
" I like being in control Riley, it's one thing that is terrifying about me. People respect me for my dominance, men lust after me, woman envy me." He growled when I said men lust after me and I smirked." Is ittle Rileykins jelous, well good." I teased and he slammed me on the side if my house,my breath hitched and he smelled my neck.
"Been wanting to do that since freshmen year." He said and kissed my lips, it was a peck but it still gave me a great amount of pleasure." Are you sure your not human?"
"Riley,I'm sure." I groaned before pushing him off and walking inside.
"I'm sorry I ruined the mood but you have a faint heartbeat and you cheeks flushed." He said before stroking my cheek.
"It's one of my gifts." He nodded and sat down on the sofa. I yawned and laid down on the sofa with my head in his lap.
"I didn't know some vampire's could sleep." He said.
"They can't,I can though. It's another gift of mine. Now shh I had a long day mister." I scolded playfully before drifting off
•some time after•
I felt myself being picked up and I cuddled into the stone cold chest.
"Yes." He whispered.
"I love you." I was very sleepy and it slipped but I didn't say anything else acting as though I was asleep again.
"I love you too." I felt his cold lips touch my forehead and I was laid in my bed, he put the blanket on me and I felt the bed dip and him laying there petting my head. It soothed me straight to sleep but the dream world welcomed me with nightmares.
My true mate and childhood friend lay sleeping, she was still most the time before she was wracking with sobs. I held her close and she stopped and her breathing went back to slow and steady. Luna used to have nightmares all the time, it was because when her father died her mother got abusive and it went on from sixth grade to eighth grade then her mother committed suicide and she had to move in with her grandmother till she died and she no longer had family so my parents took her in and we lived together till she disappeared around her eighteenth​ birthday. She must have been changed then, I was changed almost a year ago and I'm forever stuck at twenty-seven  but she never got to graduate college with me or go to awesome party's or fall in love with me and I her. We were supposed to love each other and then marry, have three children and grow old together now we're stuck as young and beautiful demons unable to bare children or age. My parents still haven't given up on me but I can't go to them not now,not ever.

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