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I've been get sick for a good five minutes and Riley is freaking out.
"Should I go get Carsile?"
"No stay,call h-" I was interrupted when I started vomiting again but I heard him on the phone.
"Luna, look here."Carsile said, I looked and followed the light. I dry heaved a few more times before I laid in bed.
" Is Luna okay?!" I heard Alice yelling frantically.
"Yeah." I said." It's just me over exurting myself Al no need to act like I'm dying." I said and she hugged me.
"I couldn't see your future any more! It just disappeared."
"Poof?" Riley asked.
"Yes poof, gone!" Alice said like she was talking to an idiot.
"Carsile?" I asked him.
" I don't know. Luna have you had those false menstrual cramps yet?" He asked and I shook my head,yes my stupid gifts don't give me a period but all the pain that comes with periods." Have you had headaches​?" I nodded." I think we should have an ultrasound. Riley make sure to be careful with her when we run." Carsile said and in a second we were at the main house and I was carried up the stairs and to Carsile's in home doctary. As soon as an image came on the screen Riley and I practically laughed.
"That can't be right. I can't be pregnant, we're vampire's!" I yelled, this is unbelievable,not happening. I'm having a dream,this isn't reality.
" Luna don't be so doubtful, your gift is to become whatever you desire,you know that. You made your body be able to reproduce and it's not that horrible." He said and I grabbed Riley's​ hand.
" Riles what do you think?" I asked. He was deathly quite and I was kinda upset.
"I'm gonna be a daddy! And to the woman I've loved since I was five!" He said happily and hugged me. We walked to the living room and everyone was gathered,this is how it is when someone is hurt or something is being discussed without everyone in the room.
"I'm gonna be a dad!" Riley said. Everyone was shocked then they worked it out in their heads, Rose looked sad but then she had the biggest smile ever.
"I'm an Aunty!" She said and hugged me.
" You will be." I smiled, I'm glad Rosalie took that well. Rosalie and I are closer than we are to our other siblings. I had to be changed the same way. The time I told Bella I was a virgin isn't a lie, that man didn't take my virginity he did something ungodly to the poor eighteen year old girl that I'm stuck as today.
" Is it a girl or boy?" Emmett asked.
"I dunno." I said and looked at Carsile.
"The baby seems to be growing faster than a human baby and it's a boy." Carsile said.
"Hell yeah!" Emmett said jokingly." With Riley and the baby there's more guys than gals. Ha-ha!"
"Don't be so sure Em, he could be a momma's boy and side with his Aunty's and Grandma?" I said and Esme beamed.
"Wait I'd be there Grandma?"
" Well of course Esme you are my mom." I said and she hugged me happily.
"Well isn't this a great day." Jasper said happily, when everyone's happy he's like Alice times ten.
"Getting hitched and baby on board,wow sis you sure are all grown up!"Emmett said wiping fake tears, I rolled my eyes.

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