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He loves me. He doesn't. He loves me. He doesn't​. He loves me. He doesn't. He loves me!
I jumped up and spun happily around the field  behind my house. Riley had to hunt so I took it into my one hands to do the childish petal trick.
"Luna!" I heard Isabella call.
"Behind the house!" She came into sight and walked to me with Alice and Rose trailing behind her." What's up?"
"Is Riley here?" Bella asked,I shook my head." Good,did anything happen?" She asked, Rose and Alice wiggled their eyebrows suggestively.
"Isabella Marie Swan are you asking about my sex life?" I teased and she blushed.
"Yes." The three answered
"Oh well then because it's non-existent. I literally died a virgin." I said and she blushed even more.
"We did sleep in the same bed though,well I slept and he pet my hair."
"So what did he do about your domance?" Rose asked teasingly.
"Oh just pushed me against the wall, smelled my neck and pecked my lips." I said casually. Bella chortled, Alice giggled and Rose gave me a thumbs up.
"You four a perverts." Emmett said jumping from a tree with my other two brothers following in suite.
"Yes Bella I never knew you had such a dirty mind." Edward said and Bella blushed so red.
"Getta room." Emmett teased. Our normal days go like this and when it's the summer it's the best.
"You all better get going, schools gonna start soon." I said and the three people that are still in highschool rushed home. Emmett, Jasper, Rose and I relaxed.
" It's a wonderful day, isn't it?"Rose asked and we all agreed. It was sunny out today but back here we can be free.
I sensed another presence and so did everyone else.
"Riley no need to hide, my siblings don't bite." I joked and Rose giggled and the boys chuckled. Riley came from the woods and sat down beside me.
"Is this what you three do all day?" He asked.
"Pretty much." Jasper said.
" We do hunt on occasion along with fighting." Rose said.
"Speaking of hunt I'm starving."Emmett said and patted his stomach.
"Last to get a deer is a rotten egg!" Emmett said and we all raced. Riley wasn't going to hunt so he sort of watched. Rose got two, Emmett four,Jasper one and me being last got a huge elk.
"Fuck,you win Luna."Emmett said with mock sadness. I smirked and Rose gave me a high five.
Rose's cellphone vibrated and her eyes went wide.
"Edward wrecked the car."
"Is Bella alright?" I asked.
"Yeah she wasn't in the car, he was skipping the rest of the day to hunt and the car just flipped but the accident looks bad enough for someone to die. Emmett, Jasper, Carsile said for you both to get the car far from everything. No one saw or heard the accident and it's in a ditch."The two of them nodded before speeding away.
My phone vibrated and I put it on speaker.
"Luna, my dad he saw the car accident. He helped Edward out and told he was really lucky that he wore his seatbelt but he's getting suspicious." Bella said.
"Hey Bella where's Alice?" I asked.
"Right here." I heard a bit of shuffling.
"Seeing anything Alice?" Rose asked.
"Nothing bad, so far it's only Charlie coming over for dinner and a conversation." Her sing song voice made Riley cringe. You'll get used to it Riley. I said mentally to him. "But Rose the boys need your help fixing the car."
"Alright." Rose huffed before speeding away.
"Oh Luna, Carsile suggested you give yourself a break. You can't strain yourself. And Riley good job!" She said and hanged up.
"I tried animal blood when I went hunting this morning." He said.
"Not particularly good but I can try your diet." He said and I hugged him.
"I don't mind if you don't want to go vegetarian because I'll still like you for you; not the blood you drink." I said and pecked his lips. The simple peck ended up with my riding him and breaking the bed and the sofa and the table. Yes we did it a couple times, we haven't seen each other since I was eighteen, we've loved each other for awhile and we're mate's. We reek of sex and I know just taking a shower won't wash the smell away, everyone smells a little like their mate once we've had sex with that said mate. Riley smells like honey and I smell like lavender so now it's a wonderful honey lavender mix.
"I love you." He said and kissed my lips.
" I love you too Riley​." I said smiling and we sped to the main house. Tonight we're having dinner with Charlie and Bella, Esme made a southern style dinner and only three of us will be able to eat without it feeling like sandpaper. I am more human than I am vampire and the sick thing is I don't mind. Rosalie sniffed the air and smirked, a chain of reactions went along. All the vampire's knew and Emmett patted my shoulder, I kicked his shin and he groaned.
"You sadist." He groaned. We all heard the truck pull up and Esme answered the door.
"Dinner's almost done, Carsile, Rose and Jasper are watching sports in the den, your welcome to join them."Esme called while walking to the kitchen. Emmett showed Charlie to the den and also joined them.
"Edwards in his room and Alice is in the library." I told Bella and she smiled before running to Edwards room. Riley followed me to the library where Alice was making a blue dress.
"It's gorgeous Alice." Riley said, sitting on a bean bag.
"Thanks,it's for Bella. Edward likes blue on her so maybe she'll wear the dress." She said clearly focused on getting it perfect.
"Is the vision the same?" I asked. She nodded. She's been having the same vision of Bella as a vampire, she hasn't let Edward or anyone besides me know, the dress is the same from the vision it's been two months and it's still exactly the same and no difference at all.
"So it's going to happen?" She nodded and then turned to me with sad eyes.
"It's either that or she ends up dying, there's no way it can be avoided." She said and went back to work. I filled Riley in through mind link and put a block on his thoughts so Edward couldn't snoop. From downstairs we heard Esme call dinner but waited a few moments before strolling to the kitchen. Everyone was seated. Charlie and Carsile at the ends, Esme to Carsile's left, Bella to Charlie's right with Edward to his left. Rose across from Emmett who sat next to Edward, Alice on a bar stool with Jasper next to her. Riley and I sat down.
"May I be excused?" Alice asked,mom and dad nodded aka Esme and Carsile. Jasper followed,he doesn't really like talking in front of humans, if he talks he has to breath,if he breath he smells the blood,if he smells blood he goes completely crazy.
"Bella has lukemia." Charlie said all of a sudden.
"What?" All of us asked, glancing at our dear Bella.
"We found out a few weeks back, I'm to far gone for a treatment. I'll die in maybe a month or less." She said quitley. You could see her whole demenor change and she really did look ill. Charlie had tears flowing down his cheeks.
"I'lll do everything I can Charlie." Carsile said. All of us kids were out of the room in a few seconds and Carsile escorted Charlie to his sound proof office. The adults were going to talk this all out. Edward looked broken,all of us did, even Rosalie who never really liked Bella.
"Bella, would you like some tea?" Rose asked politely. Bella nodded." Thank you Rose." She whispered and Edward pulled her into a hug. His mind was jumbled but I could see one thing he decided, she will be a vampire. Alice was downstairs​ in a millisecond.
"How are you not on the floor withering?" Riley asked. Edward shot him a glare." Sorry I meant doesn't it hurt?" He asked.
"It hurts but I have a high pain tolirance." She said and buried her head in Edwards chest.  Alice looked at  me and nodded,I saw his thought,she saw his disiscion.

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