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"C'mon Irene, just today! Please." Irene gave Wendy a look, a look that was hardly ever given. Wendy and Irene were just acquaintances, that's all. They had a couple of classes together, one of them that consisted of Chemistry Honors, which was hell for either who took that class.

"Just look for the answers on the group chat," Irene murmured, her glasses fixed on her nose, balancing right above her eyes.

"I want to learn! I always copy all the homework but fail all the tests. I'm passing with a C." Wendy's pout was cute, but not cute enough to convince Irene.


"Just help me-"


"Why not?!"

Irene gave her a death glare, if looks could kill. "I have better things to do than helping some lousy cheerleader with her homework."

Wendy rolled her eyes but the smirk on her face was evident. "But i'm your favorite lousy cheerleader!"

Irene signed, she looked straight into Wendy's soft features, noticed how her hair wasn't curled today, how it was straight and flat. Her bangs covering her eyebrows. How her cheerleading uniform fit her in all the right places. "Okay fine.. But you're supplying the snacks!"

Wendy clapped her hands together, and leaned over to press a small kiss on Irene's cheek. "Thanks unnie."

If Irene said she was glad Wendy had finally walked out of the library and left her alone for the rest of lunch, she would be lying because as soon as Wendy left, she couldn't help but miss the younger's warmth.

She tried to go back to reading her book, but scenarios of spending the day with Wendy kept flashing through Irene's mind.

She let her head fall on the desk, let out a groan and tugged onto her book. "What is happening to me?"

It was finally the end of sixth period, and Irene could honestly say she wasn't ready to be kidnapped by Wendy. It's not that she didn't like the younger, she just made her too nervous. Sometimes Irene didn't know what to say, was stuck between words and awkward smiles. But other times, Wendy would blabber to her about her day, about how the freshmen cheerleaders were annoying and were always applying lipstick, about how her boyfriend was a jerk and the only reason she was with him was because that's what everyone expected.

No one expected the cutest cheerleader to go out with the quiet library girl, they expected her to go out with their football's team quarterback, or the baseball captain. And Wendy liked to live up to expectations, she also liked to whine about them.

Her thoughts were blocked when she received a message from Wendy.

from lousy cheerleader
wait for me by the parking lot babe

Irene felt her cheeks get hot, then caused her to rolled her eyes. She stuffed her phone back into her back pocket, and made her way to parking lot.

She waited for about two minutes, before she saw Wendy walking out of the GYM area. Wendy smiled, the smile that your girlfriend would give you after she made you wait a while.

"Sorry I made you wait, I had to get my uniform from the girl's locker."

Irene waved her hand as if it wasn't a big deal, to made it seem like she didn't care that Wendy would sometimes act like her girlfriend.

They got into Wendy's mustang, throwing their backpacks into the backseat.

"My house or your house?" Wendy asked while starting up the car. Irene was about to answer but she was distracted by a beautiful site, Wendy's bare golden thighs. They were bare most of the time, since she wore her cheer uniform a lot, but this time; Irene got a good look at those smooth legs.

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