Unpredictable Love: Part 7

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I lifted my head and controlled my sobs only to almost have a heart attack once I saw who was talking to me. Niall Horan was talking to me. Niall Horan was asking if I was okay. Niall Horan called me love. Niall Horan is in front of me! I probably looked horrible right now. I was crying, my legs were banged up from falling and for the fact that Niall was standing in front of me probably didn’t help. Niall was still looking concerned.

“Uh, are you talking to me?” I said not really sure what else to say. I was too shocked!

“Ha ha, of course I am. I don’t see anyone else around, babe,”

He called me babe. Oh my gosh, I can’t think right now.

“Hey, you didn’t answer my question though. Are you okay?” he asked me again.

“Oh, well actually not really…” I said staring at the ground then I realized he was now sitting beside me and he was looking me with those amazing eyes of his. “Today has been a rough day. A week or two ago I heard you and the rest of the boys were coming to Dublin for a show. I’ve never seen any of you before but my friend’s have and I was really hoping to go but we couldn’t because none of us could afford of it. Then, we heard that this radio station was having a scavenger hunt and whoever found everything on the list and their entire team got to the finish line, they’d be declared the winner and they’d win a VIP package for your show. We didn’t win,” I said.

“Aw, I’m sorry that you and your friend’s lost,” he said genuinely back to me.

“Its not that we just lost though. We were going to win. And I mean, we were. At the last thing we had to find, we ran into this other team and we got to the spot before them. Once we found it, my friend’s and I sprinted to the finish line but the one girl from that team, Lara ran after me and she tripped me. Badly too. I didn’t fall and just scrape my knees. I really think I’ve done something to my ankle. I tried getting up but once I tried, just a rush of pain would shoot through me and I couldn’t walk. She is the reason why we lost because her entire team got there before us.” I said giving him basically the entire story.

Niall looked so shocked as if it was the worse thing someone has ever told him. “That’s terrible. I am truly sorry,” he said giving me a hug.

I tried not to freak out. Just enjoy the moment I thought to myself.

“What are you going to do about your ankle?” he asked me sounding concerned.

“I guess I’m just going to have to call my mom for a ride and see if she can take me to the hospital or doctor.” I replied.

He nodded in agreement, I guess.

“Oh no,” Niall says looking up at the sky. “Its going to rain. Here, let me bring you into our tour bus,” he said lifting me up before I could even get an answer out.

“Could you just pull on the door, please?” Niall asked.

“Sure!” I said back.

We were now in the tour bus.

“Niall, that you?!”, I hear Harry yell out.

“Yep! I’ll be back there in a just a minute,” Niall hollers back.

“Would you like some ice, love? Wait, what is your name? The whole time I’ve been talking with you, I have no idea who you are,” he says laughing a bit.

“Oh sorry, my name is Jayden. And yes, please.” I say.

“Pretty name for a pretty girl,” he says handing me the ice. I can’t help but blush. Like really, who wouldn’t?

“Oh well thank you,” I say smiling.

“Want to come back with me to see the boys?”

Oh my gosh. Me, meeting Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis? What an unpredictable day.

“Uh, okay,” I say kind of nervously. What are they going to think of some random girl with a messed up ankle in their bus?

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine!” Niall says helping me up. He must’ve could tell through the tone of my voice that I was feeling nervous. He held on to me and I leaned on to him for some support.

“Niall, are you coming?” Louis questioned from the back somewhere.

“Yes! Just wait…” Niall said.

We walked slowly in silence to where everyone was.

“Hey guys!” Niall said happily.

“Hey”, everyone said back. It just wasn’t Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn though. There were these girls I’ve never seen before.

“Oh I’m sorry. Everyone, this is Jayden. Jayden, I’m sure you know the boys but this is Shubby, Andrea, Vanessa and Fatima. Shubby is Harry’s girlfriend, Andrea is Liam’s girlfriend, Vanessa is Louis’ girlfriend and Fatima is Zayn’s girlfriend.”

“Hi everyone,” I say with a smile trying not to show that I was feeling quite overwhelmed and nervous.

“Jayden’s got quite the story to tell all of you.” Niall says still holding me.

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