Unpredictable Love: Part 30

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Niall’s P.O.V-

“Hey man, whatcha up to?” Liam asked me.

“Nothing really. Just been texting with Jayden… she seemed like she had some good news to tell me. The last thing she said to me was “Guess what” and I replied back but she hasn’t said anything to me. That was almost 2 hours ago. I’ve tried calling but there’s been no answer” I say.

“That’s odd” Liam says.

“It is. She is usually pretty quick to respond too and if she won’t be near her phone or whatever, she lets me know” I say.

“I’m sure she’s alright, mate” Liam says whilst giving me a pat on the back and then heading back upstairs.

“I sure hope so” I say under my breath. I decided to turn on the TV, football was on so I watched it. Then my phone rings. I look down to see who was calling… its Jayden. Thank the lord.

“Hello?” I say.

“Hello. Is this Niall?” the person on the other line says. It’s a man and the voice is unfamiliar. Maybe its her dad but I don’t know.

“Yes, this is Niall. Who is this?” I ask.

“This is Dr. Ashbury at the local hospital here and there’s been an accident” he said. Oh God. “Jayden? She is your girlfriend right?” the doctor asked.

“Y- yes” I stuttered.

“Her and her family have been in a car accident. You were the first number I could find in her phone which remarkably survived,” the phone survived? What about Jayden? What about her family? “Unfortunately though Jayden’s parents’ didn’t survive the crash. Jayden has but she is a coma right now. We don’t really know her chances at the moment.” the doctor finished off saying. I tried to keep the tears from falling down my face while on the phone but I just couldn’t. Jayden’s parents’ are dead and Jayden might not make it. She’s been my life for the past 8 months and I don’t want to lose her. My breathing was heavy now from crying, I almost forgot the doctor was still on the pone.

“M-may I see her?” I asked trying not to sound like I was having a total breakdown, even though I was.

“Yes, you may” he said.

“Okay, thank you” and then I hung up. The feelings I had right now are crazy. I feel pissed off, sad and sick to my stomach. What do I do? What do I say? I threw my phone across the room and slid down against the wall and just sat on floor with my head in my arms crying, kind of just like how I met Jayden. I hear someone call my name while they were walking down the stairs. It was Zayn, I believe but I didn’t respond. He probably heard the noise of me throwing my phone. I just couldn’t get the words out to say anything.

“Niall, whats wrong?” Zayn said taking a seat beside me. It took me a minute before I could saying anything.

“Jayden” I say. “Jayden’s been in an accident and her parent’s are dead and she is in a coma” I managed to get out wiping some of the tears across my face while there was still some forming.

“Man. I’m so sorry” Zayn said to me giving me a hug.

“What am I to do? I feel so helpless” I say.

“Unfortunately not much… just pray and keep the faith” he says.

“Well” I said getting up, wiping more tears off my face. “I’m gonna go see her” I say.

“I’ll let the others know and I’m sure they’ll want to go to. If that’s cool with you” Zayn says.

“Yeah, sure” I say.

We drove to the hospital in silence and once we got inside the building I felt week in the knees. I don’t really like hospitals but then again, why would anyone like them? Yeah some people get better here but its not good to be in here.

“H- hi, Dr. Ashbury called me earlier about my girlfriend Jayden who’s been in accident and said I could see her. May I?” I asked nervously to the lady at the front desk.

“Oh yes, follow me this way” she said. I followed and the other boys followed.

“Go ahead on in” the lady said as we reached a door labelled “94 1D”. Jayden’s birth year and One Direction…

I walked in first and the others trailed behind me. I walked in and the only thing I could hear was the footsteps of the others and the sounds of medical machines that were hooked up to her. It was so hard to look at her. Paler than ever, bruised and cut up a bit. She had stitches across the right left side of her forehead, leading down to a bit of her temple. Luckily no broken bones that I could tell of. There was a chair near the side of her bed and I took a seat at it. I grabbed her hand a began to wipe the tears falling down my face.

“You alright, lad?” Harry asked. I didn’t answer. I held on to her hand and whispered “Please wake up. Please, babe” and kissed her hand.

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