SEPS: The story

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                I don't really remember the date when it happened - my first day at Sunrise English Private School. The (anything but) prestigious SEPS. 

                I came in as a part of a bunch - those of us who transferred from the same school sort of stuck to each other, especially those first few days.  The time we first walked in through the gates and looked around, there was only one thought in each of our heads. I guess it was Vicky who said it out loud.

                "This place looks like a hospital."

                I, for one, couldn't  even  i m a g i n e  how in the world I was going to spend two years of my life studying somewhere like that, trapped in the midst of hospital grey walls. The place was feelingless kishwer; there were absolutely NO emotions associated with even an inch of that building.

                Teachers would walk in, lecture, get out. Students would move about as if they were robots. Seriously, where was the student-teacher interaction? The colors and sparkles that were supposed to exist on the faces of sixteen-year-olds?! And, kishwer, how did you survive all your life in a place like that? You with your out-of-this-earth creativity, and your endless river of love, how did you survive in a place so robotic?

                I'm sure most of my bunch-mates fell into some serious depression at the time. We prayed for all we could. For two years to fly by, faster than the wind. After all, we never fathomed a school could turn out to be so ... well, everything that a 'second home' should never turn out to be. 

              Welcome to Sunrise English Private School. Where the sun never, ever rises.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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