three // sunshine

453 13 1

Just as JJ reached for the eggs, a wave of nostalgia bathed over her.

It was like those super sunny days- the ones that come of out nowhere

Where the every slant of sunshine bursts through the window blinds, warming up whatever they touch. Not too hot, but just right.

those days where you can feel the sunlight burning your face.

Burning in a good way.

like if you could light inside fireworks - and not get burned.

The spilled flour dusting the counter , glowing with crystals of sugars,

and the vanilla stains from the teaspoon on emily's shirt ,

and the savory taste of semi sweet chocolate chips

made the inside of her feel just like those fireworks

And just like that slant of sunshine.


When I first opened my eyes, it was the sun that caught me by surprise. My hand ghosted over the white sheets beneath me, the tips of my fingers running feeling each of the fibres. It caused my lips to curl up into a small grin, my nose releasing a loud huff as I inhaled some of the stuffy air. The scent caused me to twitch at first, but I soon adjusted and exhaled deeply.

Suddenly, an indescribable pain pounded from one temple to the other, and I instinctively lifted up my hand. As soon as it made contact with the tender skin just above my eye, I jumped and something landed against the smooth top of my hand, gently tugging it down from where there were obviously stitches laced through my skin.

At first, I didn't know how to react. I just stayed still and allowed for the other presence to lower my hand for me. Once again my fingers embedded into the sheets, only this time I realized just how coarse and uncomfortable they truly were. I had no idea where I was... No idea.

Suddenly, it hit me.

Where the fuck was I?

My eyes opened and all I could see was pure, white light. That was it. There was no differentiation between anything in the room and I was terrified. Was I dead? No. It was much too painful for me to be dead. Was I dying? Honestly, I could have been. Where was I? What had happened? Why did my head feel as though it was about to explode?

Immediately, my hand squeezed the sheets as I attempted to lift my head from its position on the very uncomfortable pillows. Bright. It was so goddamn bright. When finally my vision began to clear up, I looked down and spotted my blonde hair in waves over my shoulders, streaks of red and dark brown from the dried blood creating patterns throughout the strands. My eyes followed these patterns down over my shoulders, to my ribs where the tips laid limply against the fabric of the gown I was in. It was almost mesmerizing in a sense, and I could not take my train of thought away from these streaks of blood. They wove themselves seamlessly as though attempting to hide their presence with the way they intertwined with the streaks of blonde. Innocent. Crimson. Brown in some cases. But whose blood was it? Was it mine? Of course it was mine, I had stitches across my fucking forehead.

Suddenly I snapped back into it, my mind shifting back to the realization that there was indeed another person in the room with me. I turned my head to face a brunette woman, her eyes as brown as dark chocolate itself staring back at me. In embarrassment, I looked to her, my eyes never once leaving her as she sat and looked at me in concern. Without meaning to, I looked to her in confusion, my baby blues searching for something for anything to tell me who this woman was.

It took me a few moments to come up with enough courage to actually speak to the woman seated in the uncomfortable plastic chair next to my uncomfortable hospital bed. A hospital. I was definitely in a hospital. My mind immediately clicked and I offered a sigh of relief, my lips parting to release it into the air. I then flashed her a small smile, my blue eyes looking dead into her brown ones as I spoke the simple statement.

"Are you here to take some more tests, ma'am?"


i hope you are liking this.

my friend wrote the last passage , isn't it beautiful?


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