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Hi, my name is Weston, Weston Smith. My family and I are curently moving to L.A. to get away from all the drama in my home city Houston Texas. One out of the 2 reasons why we are moving is because recently my dad died in a car crash on the way home from work one night.  I was only 15 when it happened so that makes my little sister belle barely 1. The other reason we are moving is because of all of the bullying I get. I don't even know why I get bullied, but I do. It got to the point where I wouldn't eat, I was obssesed with what I ate and how much, sometimes I would make myself not eat at all. I could go for days with out eating. My mother finally caught on and sent me to a doctor and they told me I had a disease called Anorexia, basically where you obsess over your weight and what you eat. I got to the point where I almost died because lack of nutrients, so I was forced into a rehab.  This only happened 2 months ago. My mom thought we should get a fresh start so she found a house in L.A. and now we are moving. Thats basically all you really need to know so now lets get back to what your truley here for. 😁
Sorry its kinda weird but it only gets better from here so keep reading. Also if you have suggestions on maybe a chapter or on changing something I will consider it and I will give credit to you for it.♡

New Start Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora