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A/N('     ' means that Colton is talking in his mind. Not out loud.)

I'm nine now. My bear is at the stage where it is between a cub and an adult size. My bear has been asking to go out and wander around so that's what we are doing now. Wandering around. Aimlessly. We have no destination set or in mind just explore. I could feel that my bear had lead me into another pack land and my only warning is for him to be careful.


'What. Was. That?'

It sounded like a distressed wolf pup. My bear answers my unasked question.

'Yes, but why?' I ask and turn in the direction the sound is coming from. I walk forward and peek out from behind a few bushes. A little pup is trying to fight a large rogue, and by the looks of it, the pup is loosing. I can tell by its structure and stance that the pup is female and likely around my age. When the rogue grabbed the pup by her neck something makes me want to step forward and kill him. I step out in the clearing and growl, standing up on my hind legs. The rogue looks at me and drops the pup then runs off. I approach her and she struggles to get her feet under herself.

I slowly approach her and when I reach her, I sniff her body. I lick the neck wound and clean the blood off then gently grab her by her waist. I sit on my rump and gently place her in my paws and look down at her. I lean down slowly and sniff her face. She licks my nose and I quickly pull my head back.

She's cute. My bear comments and I mentally agree with him.

On three legs I start my trek towards the center of the territory and I am careful of my cargo. I hold her close to my chest since it's a bit chilly out and she is wounded and her fur is wet with blood and my saliva. I see her pack house coming into view and slowly step out into the clearing. Many wolves are running ramped looking for something and I'll bet three fish, it's the little she-pup in my arms. I sit on the edge of the tree line and cradle her in my arms. I make a soft roaring sound trying not to alarm them. All their heads snap in my direction and at least three men have guns. They see my cargo in my hands and the men slowly lower their guns. She slowly wakes and looks up at me. Her paw reaches up and plants itself on the side of my muzzle. I lean down and sniff her face, she bats my nose and I yank my head up away from her paw. I hear people approach me and look up. I sniff the air and growl when he doesn't smell like her father. He freezes and I roll forward onto one front paw with her cradled in the other. I make my way closer to the house sniffing people along the way. Some back away and others look fearful. I reach the couple on the porch and step up the first step with my one paw. I sit at the base and take her into my mouth using my lips to cover my teeth so she doesn't get hurt. The man slowly approaches and I hold her out for him. He slowly takes her from me and I release her. I turn and slowly make my way back through the crowd and into the trees. I hear the pup whimper and turn to look at her. She looks at me expectantly and her tail wags a bit.

Aww. She's so cute. My bear coos and I look at her father. He sets her on the floor and she stumbles to me. She falls against my front paw and gives a small wolfy giggle. I sit on my rump and hold her against my chest where she snuggles up. I lick her head and tiny ears and let her fall asleep. Her father approaches and I don't know what makes me, but I growl softly at him while looking at her.

"Her names Saca." The man says quietly and two male pups run out that look just like her but bigger. They shift back and pull on some pants.

"Daddy. Who's the bear?" One asks and I briefly look up from Saca.

Beautiful name. My bear mumbles and I hum in agreement.

'Very beautiful indeed.' I mumble back to him and softly nuzzle her. I lean back against the tree I'm sitting next to and place a large paw on her back. I notice the pack disperse and her father and, I'm guessing, her brothers walk away. I lay with Saca tucked between my front paws.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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