what he's like when you are out of the city for a week

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Jerome valeska

A lost puppy,
Compared to being extremely hyper and crazy, he would just sit by the door and wait until you are back, then he would go back to killing people

Jim Gordon
A total cop
He thought you were kidnapped, he went all cop mode all over Gotham city. Then later, he jumped you when he saw you enter your own house.

Edward nygma
An annoying bitch
Thats what Harvey describes him as.He annoys the hell out of Jim Gordon, that's why Jim has to hide in his closet until you are back into Ed's arms

Oswald cobblepot
A depressed drunk
He gets drunk and sings, it's like he's depressed until he gets the slightest word you are back, cause he lost his mother and you are the only thing he loves.

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