Chapter 3

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Chapter  3

Rose’s P.O.V

“Wake up, Rose”

I scowled at the voice. “Five more minutes”

“If you don’t get up in the next five seconds, I’ll  wake you up myself”

“Whatever” I mumbled, drifting back to sleep. I heard the footsteps leave my room and I smiled.

Ahhhh…peace at last.

I was having finally able to go back to sleep when I felt freezing cold water land on my back.

“AHHHHH!” I screamed I opened my eyes to see Markus’ grinning face, an empty bucket on his hands, “you are so dead Markus!”

“Like you’d ever hurt me” he scoffed.

I frowned. It’s true, I’d never hurt him… but I can still punish him.

 “You’re right, I can’t hurt you” I said, making him smile in triumph “BUT I can take away all your video games for a week” I added with a smirk.

His face suddenly fell, making my smile even bigger.

“But Rose, taking my video games will cause me pain” he said, a sad look on his face.

“Too bad” I said, “now leave while I change”

“Fine, but we’ll talk about my ‘punishment’ in the car” he said, putting quotes on the word punishment.


As soon as he left, I walked into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then, I walked into my closet and looked for something to wear.  I settled on a white summer dress that had pink and purple flowers near the bottom.  It went about an inch above my knees, so it wasn’t too bad.  At least it wasn’t too girly. I decided to add a white cardigan knowing that I shouldn’t be showing too much skin. I left my hair in loose curls and put on some simple ballet flats. I threw a longing look at my favorite high-heeled boots before closing leaving my closet.

As soon as I put on a little mascara and lip gloss I was ready.

I went downstairs and grabbed a granola bar before grabbing my bag and opening the door.

“Come on, Mark, it’s time to go.” I saw him walk towards me with a pop-tart on his hand, and I immediately felt guilty. Tomorrow I had to wake up early enough to cook him a good breakfast.

“Are you ready?” I asked him.

“Yeah” he said, with a strange look in his eyes.

As soon as I started driving, I noticed just how nervous he really was.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just hate being the new guy, you know? All of them probably know each other and might not want to talk to an outsider.” He suddenly sighed “I just hope they don’t bully me”

“They better not because kids or not I will hurt them if they do” I said with a teasing smile, but we both knew I was telling the truth. I will hurt anyone who hurts him, no matter their age. 

“Thanks Rose” he said, a warm smile on his face

I grinned at him before stopping the car.

“Well, here we are. Good luck, and remember to make a list of anyone who hurts you so I can hunt them down.”

 He chuckled before getting out. “Thanks Rose, you’re a pretty awesome sister.”

“Well, you’re not too bad yourself. Just remember, you are now Markus Noble NOT Vasiliev. ” I said, with a serious look in my face. I had worked so far to make sure we had a normal life here and I didn’t want a small mistake, such as a last name, to ruin it.

“Ok, ok. I’m not an idiot.”  He said while opening the door and getting out of the car.

“Byee”I said before driving away.

Unlike Markus, I wasn’t nervous about school. I am neutral to the idea of making friends so I don’t care if the other students hate me. I wanted them to ignore me and act as if I didn’t exist. The less attention I get, the better.

As soon as I made it to Maplewood High, I parked in the first empty parking space I could find, which was pretty close to the school.

I got out of my car as quickly as possible, making sure not to make any eye contact with anyone. I wanted to stay as far as possible from the rest of the student body. Luckily, everyone seemed too focused on their friends to notice the new girl.

I quickly made it into the school and found the main office. It was pretty easy to find since it was such a small school.

“How can I help you?” the receptionist asked, while giving me a fake smile. She was looked to be in her early twenties and was dressed like a sl*t. She had fake blonde hair, more make up than a clown, and was wearing the most revealing shirt I have ever seen, and that’s saying something coming from me.

“My name is  Rosemary Noble and I’m new here.” I said with a shy smile.

“Welcome, to Maplewood High Rosemary. Here is your schedule, your locker combination, and a map of the school.”

With that, she turned back to the computer and pretended I didn’t exist.

I frowned before leaving the office.

I looked at my schedule to see what my first class was.

First, I had Calculus with Mr. Smith in room 307. Then, i had English, then history, followed by lunch. After lunch, i had chemistry, then art, and finally, P.E. 

My classes weren’t too bad. Nothing compared to my old school, but I guess it will do.

As I made my way towards my first class, I heard the late bell ring.

F*ck! Late on my first day. I quickly ran to my class, hoping to get there in time.

As I rounded the corner,   I ran into a body. I looked up, ready to verbally attack the person when I got a good look at him. He had dark blonde hair, green eyes with golden flecks, very muscular and overall, gorgeous. I’ve seen my share of hotness, but they were nothing compared to him. He looked to be about 6’1, which was a lot taller than my  5’2. I wouldn’t mind getting to know him better.

I opened my mouth, ready to flirt, when he decided to speak.

“Watch where you’re going, b*tch.”

“Excuse me?” I replied, offended, only the people who knew me very well could call me that, and even then I’d still punch them for saying it. “you aren’t exactly 100% innocent here, you know.”

“Look, here, sk*nk” he answered, his eyes filling with hatred “I rule this school. You know what that means? It means I can ruin you in a heartbeat so I suggest you beg me for forgiveness before I make the next few months hell for you.”

I should apologize, it’s what a normal girl would do, but I couldn’t. I had too much pride. Besides, just because he was smokin’ hot didn’t  mean he could treat me like this. If we would’ve been at my old school, he’d be passed out, if not dead, by now.

“I have nothing to apologize for” I answered coolly.

He looked like he wanted to kill me, but then he stopped. “You are nothing” he said “you aren’t worth my time, and that is why I, Kaden Stone, reject you as my mate”

For some reason, it hurt hearing him say that, but I wouldn’t let him see it. Instead I just frowned.

“Whatever” I said “I didn’t want to be your friend anyway”

With that, I stalked off towards my first class. Hopefully, my day will get better, if not I’m going to have to start looking for places to hide dead bodies.


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Pic of Markus on the sideà

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