Chapter 3 "Only here for the sex"

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I felt someone slightly shaking my shoulder, I looked up and just saw a black silhouette,  because my eyes were all blurry from tears. "Let's go to my bus," a voice that I recognize and have heard somewhere. When my vision became a little better, I saw Justin Bieber sitting on his knees beside me. "I don't want your germs all over me," I said because I've understood from these few hours - he is a douchebag. "I understand that you like to act, that you're a badass and all, but it's not the time." "Whatever," I let him help me get up and he helped me get to the bus. I don't know where the man disappeared, but I'm glad he's away and I don't want to remember how gross and disgusting it was. We walked into the bus and I held myself from gasping, because it looked totally awesome. He sat me on a couch and kneeled down in-front of me, still holding my hand, "are you okay?" "Yea, I guess," I said as I looked down at my bruised arms, that also got a few cuts. "Let me clean your bruises," Justin said and walked away and soon came back with a bag of medicine.

He put some peroxide on my bruise and put a towel under my arm, it burned a bit, so I winced. "It's okay," Justin calmed. Suddenly, the bus' doors opened and came in that girl, that was sucking on Justin's face earlier. "Oh, here you are, I was looking all over the place for you two!" She made a really sarcastic and fake giggle with her high, disgusting, fake voice. I hate fake people. "What are you doing?" She asked, like she couldn't see. She kneeled down, next to Justin, trying to be as close as possible, almost sitting on Justin's head. "Let me help, Justin." She said. "No," Justin answered back with no emotions. "Please," she tried to pull Justin's hands off, but instead she scratched my bruise and I winced and pulled my arm away. "Ouch!" "Calm down, Chloe, you're only here for the sex and you know it, so stop acting like you want to help!" Justin shot back at her, she remained silent and so did I. She just went to sit on the other couch, that was opposite me. She looked quite pissed off, but I was surprised, Justin Bieber using girls for sex? He's always been the teen heartthrob, who little kids were going to marry.

"You should be clean now, you sure you don't need a ride home or you could stay here." Justin said, putting everything back in places. "You're so sweet, I could fuck you right now, but you're too much of a superstar for me." I know what I just said and I don't regret it, because I say what I think and you already know me, I like fucking guys... Justin stood there silent looking at me. And I could see Chloe behind him, looking all shocked and looking like she wanted to kill me, well I don't blame her, but she's only here for the sex and I don't really think I'm only here for the sex. "Well, we could stay here." He came closer to me. As I was still sitting on the couch, so he came so close, that my legs were between his. "Trying to hit on me while your girl is behind you?" Chloe stood up, crossed her arms, looking proud that I just called her Justin's girl. "Yea," she agreed. "She's not my girl, I pay her, you can go now." Justin said, taking a glimpse of Chloe, who took her bag and was quick to disappear. "Of course you pay her to fuck your nasty ass," I chuckled at my smart and rude comment. I know I'm rude and all, but that's just how I am and you can't do anything about it.

Justin smiled, "good joke. She should be lucky, that she can fuck me." "She probably feels like the unluckiest person, because she has to fuck you," I corrected him. "Maybe you want to be unlucky too then?" "You're too much a superstar for me, I haven't changed my mind about that." I stood up, so we were facing each other real close. "I'm always the small kid from a small town in Canada." "We can fuck when little kids will stop marrying you, which is around never. You're too good of a boy." "Too good? You should get to know me better then." "Nope, sorry, not in my plans in the next 20 years." "So after 20 years we can meet?" "Your flirting isn't working here." "If it wouldn't be working, then you wouldn't be here." "True, but I can leave any second." "You shouldn't, you attract old drunk men." "So you're an old drunk man huh?" I smiled showing off my dimples. "I'm the exception," he smirked. "Right, well I'm leaving now, so if you could excuse me," I pulled him backwards a bit, so I could get past.

I felt a hand on my ass, I didn't slap it away or something, I just turned around. "Really want to get some huh? She wasn't too good?" "I have to try out if she was better or not." "Maybe later, I have more important guys to fuck." "Guys? I'm a guy and I'm pretty important, so you should think twice before you leave." "I didn't even think once and the answer is no." "Well, call me later then." Was the last thing I heard from him, before I said bye and left. Dumbass, how am I supposed to call him if I don't have his phone number? It's clear now - celebrities are pretty dumb and really horny, most of the time or maybe it's just Justin Bieber. Not like I've met hundreds of superstars and hornballs like him. But his flirting was so not working on me, but I totally owned him, ha. I smiled at all my smartass comments I've made in front of him.


Written by: @Suitefan1xo

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