Chapter 8. "Grey Goose"

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Waking up from a deep slumber isn't easy, if you're a hater of mornings like me. They should give me an award for actually waking up before 10 am today.

And the Oscar for waking up, when it's actually still considered a 'morning' hour goes to.. yeah never mind, It's my mouth talking without my brain woken up. So what I say crazy shit in the morning? Don't judge, for all I know I could actually give you life worth advice while in this state of mind.

Walking into the bathroom with my eyes still closed, I didn't hear a single noise in the house. "Nice to know you're here auntie!" I said finally opening my eyes and beginning to brush my teeth. I don't mind being alone, in fact I like it. Nobody was here to school me.

Lifting my eyes up to the girl in the mirror I looked her in the eyes. So plain. I continued looking down at my lips, my chin, but my eyes stopped on my neck. I smirked. "Yeah, maybe it is nice that you're not here after all, auntie!" She would flip if she saw the bruises that Miles left yesterday. Purple skin was hard not to notice, and it's not like I tired to hide it. Why should I, right? Like somebody doesn't know what sex is and how fun and rough it can get.

So turning around I made my way downstairs, with out even thinking about applying concealer on my neck. Looking through the fridge I saw exactly zero food, so 'An apple a day, keeps the doctor away' or whatever it is, that parents say to their kids, I wouldn't know.

Taking a bite from my apple I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Switching through channels I thought about my plans for today..that's when it hit me. Bieber boy asked me to hang out with him in his bus. Is it bad that I'm a little excited? Okay, is it bad that I'm more than a little excited?

It's not like he is a bad company. He is a little full of himself, but he is also very hot and talented, gotta give him that. However, he seems so naive and innocent. Not that I give a fuck, but he could fuck up if he hangs out with me a lot, I mean I'm not the best company, but who cares, superstar has to have his own brain to decide if I'm good or bad right?

It was 12 pm already, so throwing my apple away in the trash I got back to my room and got ready. That took me about 20 minutes if not less. All I did was straighten my hair and apply some make up, dressed into a leather jacket with a tank top underneath and torn jeans. Added my vans, and taking my phone I was already on my way to the car, to go to Justin's bus.

Finding the arena was quite simple, seeing that I had my GPS on,I mean. I've never been in this arena, but luckily it was closer to my house than the one where he had my concert held. So getting out of my car I walked to his bus, which was slightly bigger than the other two.

Music was blasting in it and it was loud enough, that I could hear it from outside the bus, never mind when I actually opened the doors and got in. I though my ears will pop, but soon enough it was turned down a little. Justin then came wobbling out of nowhere, with a bottle of Gray Goose vodka in his hands. "HEY SEXY!" He slurred as he gave me a hug squeezing my ass with his free hand. I chuckled "Why are you drinking superstar?" He took his time drinking 3 shots worth amount right out of the bottle, smiling at the burning sensation it gave him. "Well baby, I got nominated for the grammy's, SO WE CELEBRATE!" He wasn't drunk, but he was getting tipsy.

His friends then came out of the back of the bus with the same bottles in their hands, followed by a chick with a bottle of coke in her hands. What was her name again?

Justin smirked "Baby, meet Chaz, Ryan, Fredo and Chloe" he said dropping his voice when he said her name. The boys were all similar to Justin's state. Not drunk enough, but not sober either.

"Hey!" I said waving at them, as Justin opened a bottle for me and handed it to me. "C'moon cutie, let's drink one for you" He smiled lifting his bottle in the air, waiting for all of us to follow his actions, and once we did, he slammed the neck of the bottle to his lips and took sips. We all did the same. Except for Chloe, She didn't even take a sip from her coke.

I chuckled as Vodka burned my throat and made me dizzy. But I liked the feeling, besides It's not everyday you get offered a free bottle of fucking Grey Goose. Somebody turned the music back up as a nice beat started playing.

We took more shots before I found it almost hard to stand straight. My bottle now only half full. I looked around and found Chloe burning holes in my body with her stares. Woah, somebody sure likes me.

I didn't have time to think about it though, not that I would. Justin interrupted my thoughts by taking my hand and dragging me to the back of the bus, closing the door behind us. We were in a light room, with dark brown bed and matching nightstand where a single book was placed. His bedroom?

Plopping my ass next to Justin's on the bed I turned to him, only to find him already looking at me. "I have an idea.." he said. "Enlighten me, superstarrr!" I slurred clearly having too much vodka already. "Let's do Brutherschaft!" he smirked already linking our arms together and bringing his bottle close to his pink lips. I shrugged my shoulders and mirrored his actions taking two sips from my bottle, before putting it back down, while swallowing the liquid and going back up for the kiss, that is the traditional way of brutherschaft.

Lifting my eyes up I looked straight into Justin, while he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. He tasted like vodka and mint. We moved our lips for a couple seconds, but it didn't seem to stop.

Neither me nor Justin pulled away, We just kept kissing each other. He soon dropped his bottle pushing his hands into my hair and tugging on it, bringing my face even closer. He licked my bottom lip as I parted my lips, so his tongue could enter. And once he did it felt like I was on cloud nine. I moaned at the back of my throat, which seemed to make him kiss me even better, If it was possible.

Soon enough I found myself already lying on the bed, Justin on top playing with my bra strap on my shoulder as his lips were next to my ear. "Mm, baby, you smell so nice" He whispered into my ear sending electric waves all over my body.

His lips lowered to my neck, kissing up and down, when he suddenly stopped and lifted himself up on his elbows. "Why are there hickeys on your neck?" He grunted. I smirked "Miles couldn't keep his hands to himself." Justin rolled his eyes. "Well, I'll show you how real boys do that." he said and lowered his lips back down but moved past my neck. He kissed down my shoulder and stopped by my boobs. And that's when he began sucking. He sucked hard, but It wasn't painful at all. It gave me so much pleasure I had to moan.

did I tell you how good he looks today?

Once he was done he lifted his eyes back to mine giving me his famous smirk once again before lifting himself off of me. "you moan a lot. I like it." I rolled my eyes at him and smirked looking down at his crotch. It has definitely grown.

"Well, I would fuck you right now babe, but we will do it soon enough anyways, I just want you to beg me for it." he said seductively before giving me a hand and lifting me back up to my feet. Shutting off the thought of begging him for it, that was forming in my head, I came closer to him, my hands playing with his belt "then I'm sure it will never happen" I whispered biting his ear lobe and taking back my bottle, before exiting the room chukling.

Why the hell was I ready to beg for it?


A/n heey guys, it's sophie aka @kisssmytan

so thanks for reading. We both really appreciate every comment and vote. :) love youu xx

Written by : @kisssmytan

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