#13 Connor McDavid

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You pulled your ponytail a little tighter and mentally tried to prepare yourself for the upcoming match. You and your team had managed to secure yourself a place in the NCAA semifinals. Smiling down at your phone you thought about your boyfriend Connor. He had called you just before the game to wish you good luck since he couldn't attend your game. He currently was on a road trip with his team. You knew that dating Connor involved him being away a lot so you tried to not be sad. You had to win tonight so he could watch you win the finals in two weeks.

"Come on Y/L/N," one of your teammates shoulder bumped you gently, "let's go kick their asses."


The matched wasn't sold out but the ranks were still filled. You walked out onto the field and were immediately in competition mode. Only focusing on your team and the ball. You only snap out of it once the buzzer sounds and all your friends throw themselves at you for a group hug. Somewhere near your left ear a teammate yelled about your game winning point. The hug slowly fell apart as you got ready for the second set of the evening. There was a ten minutes break before the second match and you spent it with your team celebrating the win. Only one more win and your team would reach the finals! You were lost in your thoughts when one of the girls in your team turned you around by your shoulder. On the stands behind you a bunch of giant hockey players all dressed in your team colors squeezed their way through the stands towards some free seats. Connor was here and he brought his entire team. You watched as they all set down and, after spotting Connor in the middle, waved enthusiastically. He saw you and waved back smiling brightly. Your boyfriend was the best.


The second game was a bit of a blurry you just remembered giving your best and then another group hug. The first thing that was clear again was the moment Connor half hugged you and half lifted you up.

"You won. I'm so freaking proud of you baby."

You hugged him close and kissed him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you guys were on a road trip?"

"We're playing Calgary tomorrow and had the day off after morning skate so I convinced the guys to drive home with me for your match."

You felt tears in your eyes. He had done all that for you. Connor was the perfect boyfriend. You were about to kiss again when your best friend on the team squeezed between you.

"Enough flirting you two. We need to celebrate. The first round of drinks is on Connor!"

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