The First Click

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You sat there on the bench, sweats dripping from both sides of your face. The sun is high up in the sky and all you can think of is when this would end. You grip your camera on your left hand while your other hands serve as a cover for your eyes from the sun. You're waiting for them to come out of their locker room so that you can finally snap some pictures and go home. The afternoon heat is almost unbearable. You tried to find a seat with some shade on it without revealing yourself but there wasn't any. You can feel your hair sticking at the back of your neck so you decided to tie your hair up in a messy bun. That provided a little bit of relief. you also adjust the long sleeve denim that you're wearing so that it would cover most of your skin from the heat of the sun.

You keep cursing in your mind as you recalled how you lost a bet with your best friend Juno last night and as a consequence was forced to take pictures of every player from the girl's soccer team.

"Hah! I told you Barca would score first." Juno cheered smugly. She is waving her hands up while trying to imitate exploding fireworks.

You and Juno were watching a match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid C.F. and were betting (against your will) who could score first. Juno is a big fan of Barcelona so naturally, she is rooting for them while on the other hand, you are totally clueless about the game let alone the other team.

"This is just stupid. I don't even like this game. What do I know about football anyway?" You protested because she literally forced you into the bet.

"Now come on. Don't be a sour grape. I saw you earlier. You were also into it. You're just bitter because you lost." Juno chimes. You know she can be annoying sometimes.

You just rolled your eyes at her and begin to get up.

"Where are you going? We haven't even finished the game yet." Juno grabs your wrist and forces you to sit back down on the couch.

"Well duh! In case you haven't noticed, it's pretty late already so I'm going to bed now." You tried to sound annoyed. You tried to get back up again but is unsuccessful because Juno is still holding you down.

"No, not just yet. We still haven't agreed on your consequence." Juno winks at you.

"What consequence? I don't remember us agreeing on any consequence earlier." You replied a little bit annoyed now for real.

"I know but where's the fun in that, right?" Juno is now grinning widely clearly having decided already what your consequence is going to be.

"So you, my dear Blake, will be taking pictures of the girl's soccer players." Juno declared while pointing at you.

"What?" You exclaimed, looking at her incredulously. "I didn't even agree to have a consequence yet." There's no way you are doing that.

"You lost the bet, now accept the consequence." Juno continues, clearly unfazed by your protest.

"No fucking way. Do it yourself Jun." You said calling her by the nickname you gave her while shaking your head. "Why would I even want to take pictures of a bunch of sweaty girls running around and chasing a ball?" You were also adamant about what she wants you to do. She's clearly crazy if she thinks that you will do it.

"Come on B. I have to go to Grandma's tomorrow and I won't be back until next week. And by then I would be very busy. I won't have time to take pictures of them. Help out your best friend?" Juno is being charming now. She knows that you can't really refuse her if she mentions her grandma, who you also treats like your own grandma.

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