The Badboy's soft side

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A/N Hello all :) I know you are all probably shocked to see me update twice in one week. The reason I have is sort of an apology for not updating for well over a month!! I also noticed I have a lot less readers then I did, so please do me a favor if you like it vote and/or comment. I am not going to put goals up because well I think it is stupid (no offence to those who do) so with that being said vote/comment if you could plz!! Thank you NOW ON WITH THE STORY!! Also sorry for what's about to happen!!

Liam's POV (Boom that just happened)

As I looked down at the boy who had been making my life hell, I couldn't help but wonder why? Why would he do this to himself. He just seemed like the typical bad boy, you know the kind that don't give two shits about what other people say, but apparently the saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' applies in this very situation.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down to see the blood streaming down his arm. I quickly pulled off my t-shirt leaving me only in a white beater. I wrapped the t-shirt around his arm and scooped him up bridal style and carried him to Harry's car, which thankfully was unlocked. I then rushed back into the school in search for Harry. I found him sitting in the lunch room, I ran up to him.

"Hey Li, are you ok, and why are you only wearing a beater " He questioned

"Yes, I'm fine but I need a REALLY big favor." I said ignoring his comment about my missing shirt

"Of course Liam anything you need." He replied still slightly confused

" I need to borrow your car, you know I wouldn't ask unless it was an emergency" I said in a rush

"Why whats the emergency, whats going on with you" he asked

By now I was growing more and more impatient, I was worried I wouldn't get Niall to the hospital in time, and if Harry found out I needed his car to help Niall of all people he would kill me.

"Look Harry, I will explain everything later, please" I pleaded

Harry looked at me for a second before sighing and reaching into his pocket and pulling out the keys.

"you better tell me whats going on" he stated while handing me the keys. I nodded quickly before fleeing out of the lunch room and out of the school. I got to Harry's car and started driving as fast as I could to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital and I jumped out of the car grabbing Niall out of the back and racing inside, I spotted a nurse.

"please you have to help him, he cut himself too deep and it wont stop bleeding" I said frantically

The nurse had me place Niall on a near by gurney and they wheeled him off into the back. I walked into the waiting room where a nurse approached me.

"Sir do you know the boys name" she asked

"Yes ma'am his name is Niall Horan" I replied

She asked me some other questions that I didn't know the answer to and she finally smiled and left. I couldn't help but think about Niall and how he had harmed himself, I had a million questions floating in my head, the biggest one was why? Niall was a bully and a bad boy he shouldn't be in this position, the aren't suppose to feel remorse. I just can't wrap my head around things but I do know I want some answers.

After waiting a couple hours a nurse approached me and said "Your friend is doing fine, you brought him in just in the nick of time. We managed to stop the bleeding, however we had to give him a total of 19 stitches. He is heavily sedated, but is alert and talking, would you like to see him.

I nodded my head and followed her into the back and down the white walled corridors. We finally reached room 1D and I slowly made my way inside. I gasped at the sight before me, Niall looked so pale, but peaceful as he slept. My eyes drifted down his body and stopped at his bandaged arm. How could someone want to harm themselves, I shuddered at the thought.

"You know I can feel you staring at me"  I heard a thick Irish accent say, I snapped my head up to see a very loopy Niall Horan

"Erm, sorry" I say

"Why don't you sit down" he asked I nodded my head and shuffled over to the seat next to his bed. I looked at him and seen just how out of it he was. He had this glazed look in his gorgeous blue eyes, wait did I just say gorgeous. I shook the thought away knowing I can't like Niall because not only does he bully me but I can tell Harry still really likes him, even if he won't admit it.

'LIAM" Niall yells snapping me out of my thoughts

"Huh, what" I say

Niall chuckles a beautiful chuckle "I was just thanking you for you know, saving me"  he says while looking down at his lap and playing with his fingers. I'm not sure why but that's when I noticed how extremely insecure and vulnerable he really was, and it made my heart ache. I still had that question burning in my mind and before I could stop my self I asked it.

"Why do you do it" I blurted out

Niall look at me shocked, he then glanced back down at his lap and started messing with his fingers once again. I could tell he was a little more alert then when I first walked into the room.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer me, I shouldn't have asked" I said as I stood to leave, I then felt his hand grab my wrist. I looked at him shocked by his actions.

"Please don't go" he whispered

I nodded my head and sat back down. It was quiet for a few minutes and you could cut the tension with a knife. I was about to say something when Niall started to speak.

"I know you said I didn't need to explain, but I feel I can at least give you that, especially after everything I've done to you" He paused taking a deep breath before talking again. "Liam, first I just want to say I'm sorry, I'm sorry I beat you up for my own selfish reasons" He glanced up at me then back down to his lap

"I'm sorry my life is so fucked up I not only took it out on you, but I also took it out on someone I care about. It's crazy how much I care about him because I've only held a proper conversation with him once, the first time I met him I saved his life, because even though I didn't know him I couldn't leave him lying there all broken and bruised. What I didn't anticipate was the strong connection I feel with him" Niall says rambling.

Okay so now I am more confused then ever. Who is this boy he is talking about and what does it have to do with his current situation. Niall must have noticed the confusion on my face.

"I'm talking about Harry" Niall said looking at me as if he was trying to gage my reaction. I just sat there dumbfounded. Niall must have noticed my expression. He sighed and rubbed his fingers on his temples.

"How about I start at the beginning" He said and I silently nodded my head.

A?N Ok my dear readers I hope you liked that chapter, I have the next chapter all done it just need to be typed out :) so please vote and comment Thank you

Ps the whole Louis dancing Naked with Hippos thing was a bet I had with my brother, he said I couldn't find a way to incorporate it into my story but guess what I DID!! YAY!!


The Bad Boy and the Geek A Narry AU (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now