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"Get. Out. Now!", She ordered. She looked to the blonde beside the brunette.

"You too, Brittany…", Quinn says couldn't think straight if she was supposed to be embarrassed or what?

"What? I'm not a closet lesbian. I mean, I'm totally out. I don't know about-"

The brunette rolled her eyes,

"I mean go out of the room! Now!", Quinn ordered.

The three girls settled in the living area, all they could hear is the ticking wall clock, and the rest is the sound of silence.

Quinn keeps on walking from right to left side and vice versa. Her hands on her head swearing words because of embarrassment.

"S-should I talk now?", The brunette asked.

"No.", Quinn simply answered.

"Should I leave?", Brittany asked.

"No! Oh god!", Quinn's scratching her forehead and thinking how she should start explaining… So she ends up with a question, "How the hell did that happen? How'd you see that video?", Quinn asked half smiling, half embarrassed.

The brunette and the blonde starts to giggled.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny!", Quinn says but she couldn't handle not to laugh.

"It's not funny, huh? Then why are you laughing?", The brunette teased as she saw the small blonde keep on blushing.

"Stop it, Rachel!", Quinn took a pillow and threw it all the way to the brunette.

"Okay, I'll tell!", Brittany volunteered.

"Brittany! No!", Rachel opposed.

"What? That was not our fault!", Brittany giggles as the brunette rolled her eyes." So, I was waiting at the front door, waiting for San 'cause she just texted she was on the way but then Rachel came, we came in, we were bored, so I asked if she had any Disney movies.", Brittany explained as she looked at Rachel. She changed her attention to Quinn and continued, "Rachel said it is in your room, then I looked into your closet and saw yours and San's DVD collection. I picked one… after 10 minutes I just realized it is yours and San's sex video!", Brittany left a teasing smirk on her face.

"Oh man, I don't wanna hear it, I don't wanna hear it.", Quinn mutters as she closed her eyes and take a deep sighed.

"Well, you shouldn't be embarrassed 'cause you're definitely good at screaming, moaning, lifting-

"Score!", Brittany interrupted as Quinn's mouth still hangs open.

"-Lips locking, breast feeding, diving, moaning.", Rachel keeps on enumerating, "Did I just repeat moaning?" Rachel looked at the nodding Brittany.

"Oh shit! Stop! You saw almost the full video!?", Quinn freaks out.

Rachel nodded yes.

"Wait, what? The video was already in the climax when Quinn interrupted?", Rachel nods again, "Damn, Quinn!"

"Hey! That's private! Santana shouldn't know any of this happened.", Quinn told the two girls.

"What should I not know?", The three startled with a raspy voice.

"Hi! B-b-baby…", Quinn stutters.

"What was that? What did I hear!?", Santana keeps on asking, still bothered from what her mom's told her at the diner.

Rachel swallowed a lump in her throat, Quinn's mouth started to dry and Brittany left stunned but she took the step to tell Santana what happened.

"It was my fault!", Brittany admitted and the Latina left confused.

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