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I finally got off from work and I walk home as it's not too far. It's a very sunny day out and it's warm which I was happy about. I walk up the stairs to my apartment. Then I see it. A dead body. I can't see who it is but I'm pretty sure I know. I walk towards it and tears are falling. I do a terrible sound that sounds like a cry and a scream mixed together. My weight feels so heavy so I sit down and by now I'm sobbing. I do what usually makes me feel better. I touch my boyfriends heart. But reality kicks in when I feel blood and my hands are all red. I don't even care anymore, I loved him and he's dead. The police come because they heard about the murder. They interview everyone there including me. They take a DNA test of the boys on my hands and they don't believe me when I tell then the truth. The next thing I know they give me handcuffs and they throw me into London Jail. They say tomorrow morning I get one call to notify someone of the news but I can't be bailed for murder I only get visiters and in 80 years I can leave jail. In 80 years I will be 109 years old most likely I will die in London Jail.

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