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(3 years later)
"Thank you" I say into the phone. He'll know it's me. He answers, "You're very welcome, Phil." He saved me so every year I call him saying thank you and I promise to call him next year. "You saved me." Jail Bird chuckles. "You told the police it was a girl with big boobs and blonde curly hair. Thanks" I smile, remembering my anonymous tip. "Talk to you next year, yeah?" I laugh. What a weird.. friendship. "Talk to you then." He hangs up. "Daddy who was that?" My gorgeous daughter asks. "Just an old friend." I answer smiling. I have a husband, Lance, and two kids- a son and a daughter- and I love them. "How old? Like 80?" I laugh. "He's daddy's age, Danielle." I smile at the name. "Daddy how old are you?" My son asks. "Well, Ryan I'm 32." I also got to choose his name but it was my husband's idea. I told him about the death but no one knows I went to jail for a day, and they forgot to put me in their records so no one realized I was gone. So I have a job and everything. I'm a painter, Lance is a therapist. We're happy together.

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