Chapter 2

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Day: Thursday, January 16th 2014

I was in England all by myself. I didn't know anyone here. I didn't know what to do.

I called a cab and sat with my bags waiting for it. I saw it after a few minutes and got in.

"Where to miss?" An older man with a deep British accent said.

"Chill Factor Ski Resort please" I said slightly uncomfortable.

The journey wasn't too long but it wasn't that short. I spent most of the time just looking out the window and admiring all the snow on the ground. Since I was living in California, snow wasn't something I got to see often.

"And here we are" The man said.

I paid and thanked him and then exited the cab.

It was much colder here than what I was expecting. I might have to do some last minute winter shopping.

I entered the main building of the ski resort. It was absolutely mind-blowing. It was all wood and there was glass windows everywhere. It was an amazing mix between comfy and modern.

I walked up to the lady at the front desk and she told me where my cabin is and all the information on skiing. She gave me my room key and I was off.

It was a short walk to my cabin. Basically you walked out the back of the lobby, down a road and there was a long row full of cabins. Each cabin looked similar but none were identical.

I unlocked my door and went inside.
The cabin look a lot like the main building. Mostly wood but also had that modern look to it. It was beautiful.

I sighed and dropped my bags in the front hall. I was tired and I wasn't exactly the most thrilled person. I was happy to be England but I was sad because I was alone.

I did some looking around. Everything was so grand and beautiful. My favourite feature was definitely the medium sized hot tub in the backyard. It was very private. Each cabin had a fenced off backyard for privacy.

I decided to go to sleep. I told my myself that tomorrow was a new day and everything would be fine.

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