Chapter 17

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Day: Friday, January 30th 2015

*Kelsey's POV*

The first few days of work were a lot of fun. Everything went smooth and nothing really that exciting happened.

Amanda and I were spending a lot of time together. We've definitely bonded a lot already and I feel closer to her.

"Oh god that was the longest filming day yet." I complained to Amanda while checking my watch, 10:00 pm. Great.

"Yeah. But it was fun right?" She asked.

"Yeah a lot of fun." I smiled at her.

We decided to walk back to the hotel. The walk wasn't very far, thank god.

When we got to the hotel, I froze the second I saw Dan standing right next to the entrance of the hotel.

Amanda and I were still across the street and I don't think he's seen me yet. I whispered to Amanda "Amanda we have to go in through the back of the hotel. You see the guy by the door?" She nodded. "I can't talk to him. He's sorta my ex." She nodded and we put our hoods up and started walking to the back of the hotel.

We didn't even make it across the street. Dan recognized me instantly.

"Kelsey!" He yelled and started running over towards us.

"Amanda just go inside. I'll see you tomorrow." I whispered to her before Dan got to us. She nodded and started to walk off.

I started to walk across the street too. Even though the street wasn't that busy, I didn't want to take any chances.

"What do you want Dan?" I asked coldly.

"I need to tell you something." Dan said kindly.

"I don't think that's a good idea. It's cold and snowing, I'm going inside." I said and started walking inside.

I didn't even take two steps before I felt Dan grab my hand.

"No. I won't let you. I already let you get away once and I'm sure as hell not letting it happen again. I love you Kelsey. I never stopped loving you. I was stupid and everything is my fault." He said and then he kissed me on lips.

He kiss was rough. I could tell he missed me. I loved the feeling of his lips. It was familiar and warm even on the coldest days. My hands found their way to his hair just like they used to do.

After he slowly pulled away, we leant together and put our foreheads together.

"Dan, I don't know what to do. I love you, but I have a boyfriend back home. I can't be with both of you." I said.

"Be with whoever your heart choses. But remember, you fell in love with me first." He said that, kissed my cheek and walked off.

He got me thinking, do I still love Dan? Do I even love Noah? A million questions ran through my mind but one stuck out the most.

What am I supposed to do?

Love Is In The Air (Danisnotonfire)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें