Chapter One

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Naomi's POV

"Naomi! Wake up!" I used my reflexes and shoved the person in a spot of their body. "Fu-" "What were you about to say?" My mother asked. Justin, my brother who had been trying to wake me up gagged.
"I meant, fa la la la la la la la la..."

"Mmhm," I got out of bed and took my towel to the shower. "Sis, didn't you take a shower last night?" Justin yelled. "Oh Yeah!" I said and threw the towel in Justin's face. He muttered some incoherent words and left my room. I got ready, putting on some waist high jeans and a black crop top with a denim jacket. Pulling my hair in two braids.

"Mom! I'm leaving! I have to get to school-" I stopped dead in my tracks, sentence, and pounding down the stairs when I saw who it was. "Mr Pierce?" I asked, even though I knew who it was. "Ah yes, you must be Naomi." He answered. I chuckled nervously, "What?"

"Well, um, your mom and I, we've been seeing each other for many months now, and uh, we're getting married." Mr Pierce stuttered out the words like I was a cop and he had just been accused of a crime.

"And you tell me this now?! Right before finals and summer?!" I hissed at my mother. "What the hell?!" I hissed again after I got no response. "Naomi Elise Mason! Language!" She yelled.

"I don't have time for this! I really don't! When was this decided?!" I asked, and for good reason, I needed answers. "Two months ago," Mr Pierce answered for my mother, who was clinging to his arm.

"Oh my lord! Seriously?! Why didn't you tell me then?! I really don't have time for this, like I already said! Especially after Adam-" "Don't you speak his name!" my mother yelled right before I got the chance to say the rest.

"Who's Adam?" Mr Pierce was clearly confused. I stared him down, "That's something for my mother to tell you, now if you'll excuse me." I grabbed my bag off the counter along with a banana. "I have to get to school, and don't expect me to be home tonight."

"But we have so much-"
"Uh uh," I said and right as I opened the door I ran into someone who knocked me on the floor. "Oof!" I huffed as I landed on the floor. "So much for a fancy exit." I muttered and stood up. And I saw him. The devil himself.

"The devil himself has finally arrived! And now all the supervillains can have a nice brunch! While the innocent Naomi Elise Mason takes her brunch to the car!" I say dramatically, pushing past the guy. "Whoa! No shit dad! You said the daughter was moody."

What. The. Fuck.

I scoffed and turned back around, "Excuse me?" The guy turned around and looked at me square in the eyes. Bradley Pierson. Every girl wants to sleep with him, every girl just wants him. With his perfect features.

His perfectly chiseled jaw lined up with his chin with stubble sprinkled along it. He had eyes that would make emeralds jealous, of course they would. His hair was devilishly wavy and had golden highlights imbedded into it. He looked like a model. And I was me.

I couldn't stand up to a guy like this, so my confidence subsided and I sighed. "Nothing, never mind." I mumbled and turned back around, shutting my door on the way out.

I slowly walked over to my car, deep in thought. I don't want this to happen, my mother can't marry Mr. Pierce. She can't. That would mean me and Bradley would be siblings, and I would never get another good nights sleep ever again.


I was just about to start my car when someone knocked on my window. Bradley.
"Yes?" I said as soon as my window was rolled down.

"Can I have a ride... My cars broken."

"How's your Ferrari broken?"

"Just let me," he said and got into the passenger side of the car.
He sighed as he sat down and turned on the radio as I applied on my lip gloss.

"Hello darkness my old friend," The radio sang.
"Wow, this totally matches your mood right now." Bradley said. And I agreed with him. It totally did. I pulled out of my parking spot and headed towards the school.

"So... I take it you just heard the news." Oh my god, do I sound like a person who wants to be talked to right now?! No! Absolutely not! I nodded my head. Because he would make my life a living hell if I didn't answer to the king of highschool.

"Cool, I just found out yesterday, so I'm kind of on the same page with you." He was trying to be conversational as I drove down the interstate. I exhaled loudly and gripped the steering wheel, making my knuckles turn whiter than usual.

"Whoa, Naomi, you ok?" He asked, I put on a fake smile, "Peachy, I just like to grip my steering wheel." I turned my head back to the road.
I turned my blinker on and we swerved into the parking lot.

"Shit we gotta go back!" He hisses and turned the car back on. "What the? Why?"

"I left my backpack in my car,"

"Oh my! Just take my keys and don't scratch my car! It'll be the last thing you do!" I throw the keys over to him, which he catches at ease. "Thanks!" He shouts and gets into the drivers seat.


"So... Why'd Bradley get out of your car this morning? And then get back in?" My friend Skylar asked. "Cause apparently he's gonna be my brother and I just found out this morning when it was decided two months ago and-"

"Holdup!" She covered my mouth with her hand. "Talking to fast... He's gonna be your brother? Oh my god that's so hot?" "NO IT IS NOT! THE SCHOOLS SEX PREDATOR IN MY HOUSE?!" I basically yelled.

And we had an audience. "Argh!" I stomped back down the hallway to see Bradley looking around for someone I guess. When he saw me he threw my keys over to me. I caught them with my let hand and went into the bathroom.

Hey roses!
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