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I wandered back to my room with my clean smelling, warm clothes and put the basket on the floor I lay back on my bed and picked up my book and read. I knew I couldn't fall back to sleep now it was 4:45am on my clock I may as well stay awake, I was pretty good at that, if I needed to stay up I would.

I must of fell back to sleep because I looked at the clock last when it read 5:30am now it's 7:15am.. eh oh well. I sat up rubbing my eyes. I saw Georgia half awake pretending not to look at me.

"Hey." I said quietly

"Hey, you okay I heard you screaming last night?"

I just shrugged "I scream bloody kidder every night, it's the joys of a haunted past. Same as I see you crying every night. I don't question you do I?" I said holding up my defence wall.

"I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable I was just saying.." she said rubbing her arms.

"Nervous habit?" I raised an eyebrow

"Yeah I do it all the time lately.." she drifted off.

"Do I make you nervous or something?" I questioned her..

"Well yeah you did try to kill me and you screamed at me the first night I got here, what do you expect?" She said nervously laughing almost like she didn't want to make me angry or something it was funny.

"Yeah I have my moments." I said proudly.

"So why are you here you don't looked fucked up?" I said leaning back against the wall with my knees up.

"My parents couldn't handle my suicidal tendencies, I want to kill myself well sometimes, over dosed tried to hang you know the usual shit." She shrugged getting comfortable too.

"Is that it? They never get it right? They just assume we're all crazy even though we're not." I said sighing

"Pretty much, my mum said I was possessed with the devil because I didn't want to be alive and she saw me cut so I was automatically not human, I gave up... if I die in here because I'm here forever so what... I've been on hundreds of different anti depression meds since I was 14, I'm still like this now." She shrugged sinking away into the wall.

"Ah well we'll be the best of buds then cause they love me here." I laughed sarcastically.

"You seem like a major trouble maker, no offence." She said quieter

"Well they get paid for looking after crazy fucks so why not be the worst so it makes them work and not stand around doing nothing, they don't get paid for that, may as well make it worth their time. Plus I have nothing to loose,

I'm in here for life, I've already been told that. It's here or jail so... least here I get attention and can act up like a little brat and no one cares, crazier I am the more tripped out I can become, the highs of all the shit they give me make me go crazy it's fun though." I snickered.

"Can I ask what happened to you as to why you're in here? You don't have to tell me..." She sounded scared.

"Sure I'll tell ya, I lived on the streets for a bit then landed in a campus college from my foster parents. Then got found by my biological Mother and Sisters, my older sister killed herself when Mum got done for murder of her entire family when she was eight years old, and another eighteen females who she thought were her daughters."

She gasped I put my finger to my lips, "That's not all." I said taking a breath.

"Then I ended up with the best foster family I ever had, I found out my older sister hung herself because her life was shit, then I got kidnapped by my own Mother because I saw my sister and told her I didn't know who she was I lived the high life it was great. I got kidnapped thrown in the boot of a car and left on the side of the road close to my old house so I made my way back to the house my biological family lived in and smelt something bad from the shed."

"I looked inside the back window and saw my older sisters parents there slaughtered and rotting from the heat in the shed. I called the police they came and I ran to their car, grabbed a gun and made my way through the back of the house, shot my mother wrestled my psychopath sister not to kill me, then watched her head explode all over the white carpet because I killed Mum...So she shot herself with the same gun I killed Mum with. In front of the coppers."

I ended up here because of murder but I got claimed as completely crazy."

"The end." I mocked.

Georgias mouth was almost on the floor.

"Holy shit." Was all she could say.

"Oh I also found out that Mum slashed and burnt my foster Mum and my sister did it to my foster Dad so..." I shrugged

"I'm so sorry..." she said as a tear formed.

"Eh no biggy, explains why I'm insane though." I shrugged again

"Insane? That's horrible! Who wouldn't it effect like seriously that's all kinds of screwed up." She said trying not to swear again.

"I still have nightmares replay in my head about the night it happened plus them haunting me and telling me to join them. When I see them their faces are peeling off and my sisters eyeball is sticking out hanging on her check by a single vein it's pretty scary." I said trying to scare her a bit.

"Is that why you don't sleep much?" She asked hesitant.

"Yeah I'm scared to close my eyes without meds... doesn't matter what time of day. If they're not in my system or they're wearing off I can't go to sleep or I'll dream. Fucked up eh?" I laughed it off.

"Uh yeah... here I am thinking I shouldn't be here, I guess I should be i mean I want to kill myself. I tried over eight times I'm still alive but angry about it. I wish I was dead." She hit her fist against the wall.

An evil smirk crossed my face, this would be too easy....

Amelia (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now