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Two Months Later

I sat on my bed listening to the screaming it hasn't stopped since the first day I heard it, I try to make out what they're saying because hearing them talk or yell at themselves is fucking funny. If it's so bad why don't they just die if they hate this place so much, or any place for that matter.

"Amelia." I jolted my head up to the voice who called me to see Alex standing there. "I wanna get out of here and you should come with me, let's escape from here. Two of us can do it, don't you wanna be free?" She tilted her head to the side waiting for me to answer her.

"I spose so, sure I'll help." I smirked. I could get out of here I know my way around this place like the back of my hand. Just had to make sure Alex didn't fuck up.

"What ya staring at?" She scolded

"Nothin." I smirked again and put my head back down to my book.

"So should we start planning?" She said coming over and sitting on the edge of my bed. "

"Almost dinner come back in here when dinners over n we will start."

"Okay." She sighed. "I'm going for a shower before dinner then." She smiled and stood up.

She unzipped the hoodie she always wore and put it on her bed, she then lifted up her top and pulled it off over her head and looked at me over her shoulder. "You look like you're in your own world there Amelia." She snickered.

"Sorry, what?" I got shook out of my trace from Alex speaking.

"Are you a lesbian or something?" She joked.

"What? No keep dreaming." I snapped.

"Good because that's disturbing." She snapped back.

"But I'd appreciate if you didn't get dressed in my full view." I mocked

"It's my room too get used to it." She snickered and pulled her jeans off and put the towel around her. "Don't miss me too much." She blew a kiss. That bitch I swear to god, I'll help her escape sure she won't get far, no one does...they always get caught.


"So what's the plan then?" Alex said wrapping my blanket around herself.

"Well the Institution has barbed wire along the top of the fence so we can't climb it.... though the roof has a long power line that goes all the way over the top of the fence, we could do ninja style and put a belt over it and fly across? If you're not afraid of a dangerous escape." I mocked her and smirked.

"If it means getting out of here, I know you're not crazy and neither am I. We may be fucked up but we're not crazy." She rolled her eyes.

"If you mention one little thing about imaginary here you're classed as crazy and I think that's wrong...don't you?" She said frustrated.

"I guess." I shrugged not really caring. If I was crazy at least I was in the right spot for it.

"Good so when do we leave." She said sitting up straight and determined

"Tonight, the security systems are on but if we get to the top of the roof no one will see us. Nine is when the lights go off out the front so if we get to the roof by Nine thirty we should be able to make a full escape with no problems."

"Sounds great! I can't wait!" She giggled.

I just smiled back at her and nodded. Leaning back against the wall. I knew we couldn't escape the cameras point to the sky, I'd be making her go first and I'll just climb back down and go back to sleep... I'll tell her what to do as soon as she lands and she will I know she will.

I've tried to escape a few times it's never worked out well for me... I either get caught and get brought back...or I'm too scared to stay out so I come back. I guess that's the crap part about being told you're insane everyday for years... you start to believe it... therefore you want to stay in your comfort zone...which is these four walls.

Amelia (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now