Heartbreak Boy

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"I dedicate this song to you

The one who

Never sees the truth

That I can take away your hurt

Heartbreak Girl,"

~ 5 Seconds of Summer, "Heartbreak Girl"

(Ashton's POV)

It's been two weeks since Calum and Molly's break up. Calum has gotten better, a bright smile always present on his face now.

He still doesn't know I love him, and I don't plan on him ever finding out.

He could never love me, although I'd love him right. I'd make sure he knows how perfect he is, and I would never ever leave him.

Still, I knew I didn't have a chance with Calum. I'm less than nothing. No one could love a boy who doesn't love himself.

"Ashton!!!!!" I hear Calum call from the kitchen.

I quickly stand up from my spot on the couch and bolt to the kitchen.

Luke and Mikey arent home, so he could be scared or hurt or mad or upset or SOMETHING.

"What is it?" I breathe when I get there. I set my hands on my knees, breathing heavily.

"I just wanted to talk," Calum explains.

"Oh, okay," I smile. "I'm always here for you."

"Why doesn't anyone love me?"

"Cal," I say seriously. "I love you."

"Yeah Ash, I know, but why doesn't anyone love me like, y'know, THAT."

I refuse the urge to laugh bitterly. 'I do love you like that,' I think.

"There is someone out there who loves you like that. They love all of you, and when you find them, you'll love all of them too."

In my heart, I know that Calum will never love me back, but that doesn't vanish the hope that when he finds out, he will.

"I hope so," Calum sighs. He sits down at the kitchen table. I pat his shoulder before returning to the couch.

"I can cure you Calum," I murmur as I sit down. "You just won't let me."


Next chapter is gonna be fun :-) I think, at least

So, how's life? How's that boy you're crushing on? And if your life is rough, stay strong, because it will get better, I promise.


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