Locus X Reader

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You took a deep breath as you got in battle position. How long had you been here? A few hours maybe? Definitely. Your head hurt like crazy from the lack of air in the locked room and the loud noises of guns and screams wasn't helping.

Ever since you had been transferred over to the mercs, Felix and Locus had been determined to make you the "perfect solider", making you train at least 7 hours a day in the same god damn room. But Locus was the worst. He kept you in that room for god knows how long, and even he was getting cranky after so many hours. It was the same thing over and over, and you were getting sick of it. But he just kept pushing you. And you didn't dare to deny.

You lifted your hands I front of your face and waited for the loud "beep" sound, which indicates that the simulation was beginning. In the corner of your eye you saw the large man standing with his arms crossed, watching your every move. You did not like it.

As the loud beep began you dodged the first bullet being thrown at you, before getting a surprise attack from behind from a solider. You managed to kick the solider in the gut, but he still held a tight grip around your throat. You tried to shake the solider of your back, but failed to do so. You felt your breath getting heavier as you struggled for breath, and felt your vision disappear.

Locus raised his hand, stopping the simulation, making you drop to your knees and letting air transfer into your lungs. You could hear Locus walking over. "Shit. He's gonna be so mad at me"

-You need to concentrate (Y/N)!

-I am trying! You stood up turing your face to look at the tall man

-Well obviously not! His husky voice was loud. He was obviously mad at you.
- We went over this is many times Y/n!
You know it's gonna be an enemy soldier behind you, and that you need to use legs to kick him off balance! Don't you listen to me when I talk to you?!

You swallowed. It was not secret that Locus was super scary. You don't mess with Locus. You just don't.

-We have been here for hours Y/N! Why can't you just listen to orders for once?!

- Oh! Is that how you wanna play it Samuel?! You raised your voice, putting extra pressure on his name. Everyone knew his obsession with code names, and that he hates to be called that.

You saw him stiffen up.

-Yea that's right. I used your real name Ortez. And now it's my turn to talk
You took a step towards the tall man and raised your voice in an angry tone. You were pissed.
- I am sick and tired of you pushing me around. I've been in here for hours, with no water and I'm DYING! I'm so sick of this goddamn room with the same goddamn simulation, every fucking day! Do you hear me?!

Locus clenched his left fist.

- I just wanna get out of here, because you.... you're...
You stopped for a bit.

- I'm what? His voice was low and threatening, making you back a little away.

You stood up straight, not saying anything.

-I'm what? Tell me. Now.

Ok this time he was pissed. But you were gonna say it.

- You are a scary motherfucker. Do you hear me? A scary motherfucker Ortez!

He went all quiet. Not a sound was made in a few seconds. Not even a breath.

-Now I'll go. Goodbye.
You turned around and started walking to the entrance, whispering to yourself:


You heard a loud growl before hearing footsteps approaching you and something dropping to the floor. You turned around only you find yourself pinned to the wall by Locus. Without his helmet.

His long and tangled hair was brown and curly, dropping from the bun in the back of his neck. His skin was dark, except for the white scar across his face and his dark brown eyes were almost on fire from rage.

-What did you say? His voice was hard and deep, sending shivers down your spine and leaving you with no words.

- I dare you to repeat that. One. More. Time.

You couldn't make out a word.

His breath was heavy and you could feel it, since his face was only a few centimeters from yours.

- I'm sorry....
It was the only thing you could make out.

He stared at you with the same intense look. He stood like this for a while before you said it again.

- I'm sorry. I was stupid. I'm just so tired and I-

-Shut up.

You looked up in surprise.
-Excuse m-

- I said shut up. You need to learn how to follow orders Y/N. You are a solider. Is that clear?

-Locus what are you-?

-Is. That. CLEAR?

-Yes sir.
You met his gaze and he smiled.
- Good.
- I just don't see why-

-Looks like I'm going to have to make you shut up, solider. His lips twisted into a small smirk.

-What does that-
You were cut off by Locus crashing his lips onto yours.
You didn't move mostly out of surprise,
but after a while you shyly returned the kiss.

The large man slipped his arm around your waist and pulled your closer. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and continued kissing you until he broke the kiss.

-When I give you orders, you listen. Got it? You don't make a sound unless I tell you too. You don't speak unless I tell you too, and you especially don't look at other guys. You are mine. Ok?

You took in his words and looked into his eyes.
-Yes sir.

-Good girl.
He rewarded you with a small smile.

-Well that's one way to make a solider behave.
You smiled at him.

-Next time, I will definitely follow orders sir. I promise. Shall we got back to training?

Locus smiled again.
-No. You are coming with me.
He took your hand and led you to the door.

-Where are we going?

-No questions solider.

-Yes sir.

RvB Oneshots (RvB X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now