Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Rory's P.O.V.

We rushed across the state border of Louisiana and entered Texas, Angela and I had just escaped from Hunters kidnapper and were heading to his studio in Cali. We drove for another two hours before Angela started getting claustrophobic and wanted out. Stopping at the nearest Speedway she rushed in to use the bathroom while I filled up the car, sipping a slushie. As I waited, a girl suddenly looked at me and gasped, rushing over to me with a camera strapped around her neck.

"Ms. Shay! I've been looking for you!" she snapped a picture of my unprepared face, probably looking like a fattie wolfing down my hotdog.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"Er uh sorry, hi..." she let the camera hang from her neck again and stuck out a hand. "Brianna Vanderselt. Photographer for NashvilleLifestyles magazine." I shook it and she went on. "I've saw pictures of you with Hunter Hayes who has recently gone missing, and you seem to be in a bit of a rush, care to explain why?" she whipped out a recording device and waited for my answer.

"I'm in a rush to get to California, his band mates are waiting for me there. Im trying to help them find him."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"I skyped him only a few hours before he was reported missing."

"Any ideas on where he might be?"

"No, and I don't know who could've taken him either." she ended the recording.

"Oh good, you don't seem like the kidnapping type. But then again TMZ has a different story about that." I hadn't been on social networks for hours, what had people said about me? I made a mental note to check it out and Brianna shoved a piece of paper in my hand.

"If you find anything else out, give me a call." she quickly walked to her car and sped off. Angela finally came out and looked at me suspiciously.

"Who was that?"

"A reporter for a magazine."

"Did you tell her about us being held hostage?!"

"No, that's not important now. We never saw his face anyway there were no clues on who he was."

Except his green eyes. A voice in my head murmured, I told it to shut up.

"Ugh. Whatever, I'll drive this time." we climbed in and left for the next state, Arizona.


"You've got to be freakin kidding me." Angela swore under her breath as the sight of snow dolloped the air. "Snow! In Texas?! Why didn't we just catch a flight? This stuff is so thick it could be mistaken as fog!" she complained.

"Because you're claustrophobic! You and airplanes don't mix. Just keep driving, it's Texas the snow doesn't stay on the ground."

Hunters P.O.V.

I'm blindfolded again. Shit. I struggled to sit up or at least change my position before I get stiff. I tilted my head back to peer under my blindfold and looked around.

Out of the small slit of vision it offered me I could see that no one was here.

"Hello?!" I called out, nothing moved. Maybe Tessa had left. Rubbing my face against my knees the blind fold slid off with ease again. Looking around more I found that my location had changed. I was in a different wooded shack, but light streamed through the cracks between the boards. I studied my feet, which were duct-taped together. I strained to pull them apart and succeeded. My wrists looked as if they had been tripled with the amount of tape. I found a splinter on the wood and tried to use it to poke trough but it held up and the wood snapped, bursting a small hole into the wall. I squinted, looking through it to see sand.


Just then I noticed the sweltering heat and the illusion of water sweeping the landscape. I was in a dessert! Or at least I hope I'm not... but it was so realistic!

"HELLO?!" I hollered into the open space, nobody replied. Desperate I tugged at the tape around my fists and wrists. Five minutes later I was able to wriggle out of it and flex my hands, cramped from being tapped into a fist position. Opening my hands, a note fell out and I gingerly picked it up, unfolding it.

Hello Hunter, welcome to my secret little place. If you've found this then well done, you've escaped my tape and probably wondering how to get out. Well I've got news for you.

There is no way out.

I could tell you where you are if I wanted to but, you'll die anyway so what's the point?

This is in revenge of what you did. I will never forget it and I will never forgive you.

Enjoy hell,


I crumpled the paper up and threw it at the sand. Just when my life was getting better. When my career was sky rocketing. When I thought she as gone. She came back and ruined my life. But she wasn't going to end it, not this time. I got up and ran, I wasn't sure where I was going but I had to get out of here. My converse quickly filled up with sand and my feet sank into it every step making it hard not to fall and I slowed down almost out of breath. Gasping I looked ahead of me to find nothing but a blue sky and sand. This can't be good.


HAAAAIIIIIIIII!!!!!! So yeah I don't update much... but it's really hard to think of stuff for Hunters P.O.V. so I'm sorry! PLEEEAAAASSSEEE COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT U THINK!! I LOVE Y'ALL!!



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