It's Weird...🖤💔

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This was meant to be posted yesterday.

I've been so sad and so depressed that I
can't even cry anymore. I swear, I've been saying this all week. This week has been a living hell...

Let's start the lineup with Monday.

Monday: Let's see, where should I even begin. There wasn't much but I know it was fucking horrible, let's just say that for now.

Tuesday: Tbh, Tuesday was agony but compared to the rest of the week, it was probably the greatest day.

Wednesday: Life keeps going on and on. I realized that I wasn't going on this stupid trip for school because I was on the wait list. I wanted to kms.

Yesterday was the absolute horrible fucking day of hell. Idk how to even describe it. Let's start off with the fact that most horrible girl in school kept calling me her "music dress buddy" 🤢. I had to wear the dress for pictures, which I look horrible in. Read the last chapter for the other story. Also I was depressed all day, while trying to support my friend, who got hurt.

Today: it's the last day before spring break, which I probably won't do anything.

Let's recap, my life's a living fucking hell. That pretty much sums it all up in one sentence.

So... That's it. Do what you want now. 💔 💔 😭 😭 😢 🖤🖤🖤

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