Prologue.) Anniversary

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This chapter contains sensitive and potentially triggering materials such as; bullying, abuse, rape, and self-harm. If you are sensitive to any of these topics I highly suggest you skip to chapter one. Also, if any of you start comparing to to Kankri I swear to god...


~Eight Years Ago~

The older girl grabs my hair, pulling my face away from the tree before slamming me back into the jagged bark. "I told you. This swing set is ours. You little brats stay away." She growls into my ear as blood gushes from my forehead and into my eyes.

A boy laughs behind her and turns to my small group of friends. "Let her serve as an example to you guys. Now leave."

My friends, too terrified to help me, flee. The girl jerks my head to the side, scraping my face on the tree as she throws me to the ground. "That was easy. Some friends you have, hm?" She says with an evil grin.

The boy kicks me hard in the stomach and a silent scream gets caught in my throat. "Go home, brat. And if this gets out to the teachers, you can bet that it'll only get worse."

~One Year Later~

I scream and frantically try to grab onto something as my big brother drags me across the living room floor. My shirt rides up and the carpet stings as it rubs against my bruised stomach. "What did I tell you?!" He shouts.

"I didn't touch your phone!" I cry, my voice cracking as tears stream down my face.

"Bullshit." He says as he brings his boot down hard on my ankle. He continues to slam his foot down and I scream as my bones crack beneath him.

The front door opens and Dad comes in with some groceries. He stops when he sees the two of us. "You know we can't send her to school like that right?" He says to my brother after a moment of silence.

My brother takes his foot off my ankle and laughs nervously. "Whoops."

Dad sighs. "You're paying her hospital bill."

~One Year Later~

A large hand covers my mouth as the other struggles to pull the jeans from my kicking legs. I try to scream but everything the comes out of my mouth is muffled. My vision is blurred as tears fill my eyes.

I feel the chill of the air as the man finally gets my pants off and throws them on the floor. He then wraps his free arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. He breathes in my ear and I whimper. "Your dad was right, you're feisty. I like it."

~One Year Later~

I've only just started middle school and I can already hear the whispers. People talking about the weird girl with bruises and scars. The damaged, ugly girl that nobody wants. Nothing they say fazes me anymore. It's nothing I haven't heard before.

So I remain the unwanted girl. A shadow in a life I never wanted in the first place. Sometimes I look out into the stars and wonder, is there really a god out there? Though I always feel foolish afterwards. After all, to trust a god is to trust that you are protected.


Yeah, yeah I know it's a short chapter but that's only because it's a prologue. I promise, next chapter will be longer and contain 200% more Strider.
That's all I got to say for now!
Until next time, my friends...
~Blue xx

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