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A year later.........

Days passed by swiftly, and it was already a year since the birth of the prince of Bamunda Kingdom.
Queen Nergis was sent to kubawa, a neighbouring village to congratulate queen sila, the queen of the kubawa clan and also sister to king Bamunda on the birth of her fifth prince. Queen Kalila was initially the one to do the honour but due to the instructions given by the priest not to let the prince see the sunshine or step foot on earth till he attains the age of five, Queen Nergis was asked to go.

"Just look at this silk cloth mushe, imagine the lovely dress we'll make out of it for Wafu". Queen Nergis said to mushe, her lady in waiting and caretaker of princess Wafumana in the absence of queen Nergis.

"Indeed your highness".

Today is the market day of the people at kubawa and queen Nergis had gone to the market to buy some things she'll take back home.

"We'll make beautiful dresses out of it for wafu and zara". She said happily.
Zara is the last daughter of queen Kalila and it was so surprising how the little girl loved her stepmother more than her mother. Ever since queen Nergis adopted Wafumana, zara had moved back to her chamber and always reckoned her as mother much to the dismay of queen Kalila and her other dubious daughters.

Apart from zara, only the twins Raha and Raja were also nice to queen Nergis.  The other 3 were as dubious and vicious as their mother. They reckoned queen Nergis as the slave who mothers a slave girl or as mother of the cursed prince. Queen Nergis on her own side always turned deaf ears to their taunts and always treated them with kindness and warmth.

"How much does this cost?". Queen Nergis asked the trader whom was being distracted by the incessant cries of her son.

"15 cowries".
She said shaking her baby.

"Pack it then".

"Why does he cry?". Queen Nergis  further enquired.

"It is so unusual because he is a very peaceful baby".

"Give him here". Queen Nergis offered and the trader brought forth her son.

"Hi little one why do you cry?". Queen Nergis said smiling, surprisingly the boy calmed down and smiled as she played with him.

Indeed queen Nergis was blessed with the gift of having a great impact on infants.

"Here you go your highness". The trader said giving the wrapped silk material to a maid.

"A handsome son you have".

"Thank you your highness". She said as she reached to get her son.

The little boy clung his arms tight to queen Nergis, not letting go. She found that extremely amusing.

"Surprising, he hardly let others pick him".

"The queen is blessed". Mushe said smiling.

"Indeed". The trader said.

The little boy had to be forcefully taken from queen Nergis' arm by his mother. Immediately he was back to his mothers arms, he started crying again.

"Sorry little one". Queen Nergis said removing an amulet from her arm and tying it around the little boys tiny arm. The amulet was given to her by the high priest during her pregnancy and he told her that it would always protect her from evil eyes.

"It was given to me by the high priest of Bamunda as a protection, may it protect you from evils harm little one".

"Your highness! It is really an honour".

"He is a blessed child. What is his name?".

"Die geheimsinnige".

"He will grow up to be a well behaved gentleman by the will of maati". Queen Nergis blessed the little boy and left to stall to explore more.

They bought lots of gifts for everyone back home and even for queen sila and her children before they left back to the palace. En route, the maids kept praising queen Nergis' philanthropic nature.

They spent 3 nights in kubawa before returning to Bamunda Kingdom. Only God knows how king Tumbuktum managed these 3 days without his beloved queen and little princess. Even prince Basel seemed to have missed his stepmother and sister alot, the way he kept squealing on seeing them said it all.

"Look Ugley, isn't this beautiful". Raha said squealing with joy at the silk material queen Nergis bought for her.

"What did Maa say about accepting things from strangers? Return it now!".

"No I won't, I am sewing a beautiful dress with it. Stepmother is no stranger, she is like our mother. She is fathers wife and the mother of our sister".

"What sister! Never can a servant girl be our sister nor can a servant woman be our mother. Chastised your mouth from uttering such rubbish Raha". Ugley barked before dashing into their mothers chamber leaving her sister at the courtyard.

"Whatever, I still love the material. I am sewing yours also". She smiled picking up the material Ugley had trampled on, on the floor.

"Go get the seamstress". The 10 year old princess cheerfully ordered her maid.

Queen Nergis on her own side was still feeling guilty and remorseful about her prince. Even though Wafumana was there as a consolation to her pained heart, she could not help but feel remorseful over what happened to her little prince.

She sat cheerfully in a pavilion with the king and little wafu who was already running all around everywhere. They were looking at the little girl with so much adoration as she played around. Few minutes later, the twins and zara too joined them at the pavilion while king Tumbuktum left them to go attend to a few matters of the state.

"I can see you have succeeded in Turning three daughters against their mother". Queen Kalila scoffed.


"Hey you slave girl! Don't you ever dare reckon me as your sister for I am a pure and true breed of royalty. Never compare your filthy self to me". Queen Kalila barked.

"But mother.....". Raja opened her mouth to protest against her mother's cruelty but was stopped by her sister.

"Dare you not defy mother Raja". Uzai warned.

"But she was wrong". Little zara chirped in.
Zara has always been known as a smart little one for she was just 7 years of age but her wisdom sure surpassed that of a 7 year old. She knew when someone was being trampled on or when injustice was being meted out to someone.

"What do you know zara?". Uzai yelled glaring at the little girl who scared of her sisters wrath hid behind queen Nergis.

"It's okay girls". Queen Nergis gave the 3 girls an assuring smile.

"I do apologise to thee my queen, the future queen mother of our beloved kingdom". Queen Nergis said bowing to queen Kalila.

She picked up her little princess who was being bullied by the wicked princesses and immediately made way to her chamber. Raha, Raja and zara who despised their mother and sisters cruelty hurriedly rushed after her. Yelling at her to slow down and wait for them.

"Lessen your steps o mother". Raha said panting.

Queen Nergis stopped midway and waited for the girls to catch up with her and together they went to her chambers where she allowed them try on her make up and jewellery  unlike their mother who never grant them that liberty. It seems she cared less about them because they loved queen Nergis and also because they were the last princesses she had. She was extremely heartbroken when she gave birth to the twins and so also when she delivered zara. It took her weeks and alot of persuasion to pick the little infant in her arms and feed her.

Queen Nergis was more warm and nice towards them than their mother so why won't  they love her.

Hi dear readers
I am sorry for the late update, I have been caught up between school and some personal commitments.
Thanks for your patience.

7th April, 2017.

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