hold my hand

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I took Kathy by the hands and walk with her back to the room when we got there Michael was still sleep she looked around and asked where is my mother a nurse came in and said are you Kathy ? She look up at the nurse and said my mommy die ? I heard the angels singing the nurse stare at her and look down and said yes your mother die Kathy. She told me to tell you that she loves you and strong don't cry cause she in a better place now. Your mother took you the concert hoping that she a die there and someone a take you in. Kathy look down and cry what I'm going do now? We have some very special people who a find you a nice home. I walked up to the nurse and said Kathy have a home she alive with us. Nurse Jane looked at Michael and looked back at me and said you didn't even ask first how you know Michael a say yes. I stood there speechless not saying a word pulling Kathy by the hand Jane walks out of the room. I sit there next Michael as his fever begins to slight down a little. Kathy walks over to Michael trying to wake him up. Michael Michael Michael and Michael she said again. Michael sit up looking at her where's your mother he said I told Michael that her mother dies and she didn't have anyone to take care of her. Michael smiled and said we a keep her. He took Kathy by the hands and hug her and said I love you Kathy. I'll be the father you always wanted. Michael felt bad he couldn't finish concert and bring in the hospital for 7 days. The doctors release Michael from the hospital and told him to get lots of rest.

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