Chapter 15: Truth Revealed

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Dawnclaw opened her eyes, the world a blurry mess.

"Where-where am I?"

Thornpetal whipped around and ran to Dawnclaw's side, Feircefang following close behind.

"Dawnclaw, you're all right!" Thornpetal meowed happily.

Feircefang purred quietly, trying not to show his emotion. Dawnclaw stood up slowly, glancing around.

"Where is everyone?"

Thornpetal flicked her ear and looked behind Dawnclaw.

"They're all mourning Lunastar. Snowstorm said that there was nothing she could do, but Nova did pray to Starclan for you and Lunastar..."

Dawnclaw nodded and padded towards Lunastar's body. Shaking her head, Dawnclaw leaped onto a small boulder and yowled.

"Let all cats join beneath me for a clan meeting!" Dawnclaw watched her clan gather beneath her.

"Today, a tragic thing has happened. Lunastar, our leader, has lost her final life. I will go receive my nine lives tonight, but I have two other announcements. I must choose a new deputy and I have been thinking about it for awhile now. I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Fireclan is Thornpetal!"

"Thornpetal, Thornpetal!"

Dawnclaw looked down at the surprised deputy, smiling.

"I'll do my best Dawnclaw!"

Foxtail raised his head and yowled,"What about the other announcement?!"

Dawnclaw nodded and sighed.

"In her final moments, Lunastar said that Fireclan had no right to believe what they did about her."

All around, the warriors of Fireclan exploded into conversation. Dawnclaw lashed her tail for silence.

"The night that Lunastar received her nine lives, I went out for a walk and found her speaking with Flare. She said that she planned Cloudfur's death and the final battle we had with the, not caring who died in the process, as long as it kept The Ghosts quiet about her plans. Flare agreed to keep quiet if we left her alone to grieve, she is long gone now."

Foxtail immediately began questioning if Dawnclaw was a worthy leader, while Nightshade, Honeydew, and Fiercefang stood silently shocked.

"This is all true. If you don't believe me, ask Lunastar yourself in Starclan! Clan dismissed!"

Dawnclaw stepped off of the rock and over to Snowstorm.

"Are we ready to leave now?"

Snowstorm nodded and called for Nova. Nova came running over, nodded, and began the descent from the summit of the hill, to the Whispering Cavern.

* * * * *

Dawnclaw opened her eyes to find herself in the familiar territory of Starclan.

Walking forward, Dawnclaw saw Snowstorm and Nova standing still and looking up. Dawnclaw let her gaze rise higher and saw nine cats approaching.

Standing in a semicircle, the nine Starclan cats looked at Dawnclaw and smiled.

A dappled gray she-cat stepped forward.

"Hello Dawnclaw, my name is Palewing. With this life, I give you determination. Use it to find a way through challenging seasons."

Palewing touched her nose to Dawnclaw's head gently. Dawnclaw felt as if her pelt was on fire, but stayed clam. Palewing stepped back, allowing a white tom to come closer.

"I am Blizzardstar. I was leader of Iceclan when Nova was with us."

Dawnclaw nodded, staring at the pure white tom.

"With this life, I give you acceptance, use it to accept things that are out of your control."

Dawnclaw felt as though her head was spinning. She planted her paws down, trying to stay upright.

Six more cats gave Dawnclaw a life.

Featherstar, for power, Riverstone, for forgiveness, Lightningfeet, for courage, Skywhisker, for grace, Beetlepaw, for love, and Smokeblaze, for wisdom.

Dawnclaw looked up again to see Lunastar padding towards her.

"Hello Dawnclaw, I made a great choice with you."

Dawnclaw smiled at the silver leader's words.

"With this life, I give you happiness. Use it when you feel like no one understands you."

Touching her nose, Dawnclaw felt like her heart would burst out of her chest, beaming with pride.

Stepping back, Dawnclaw looked happily at the nine cats before her. Lunastar raised her head proudly and meowed.

"I hail you by your new name, Dawnstar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and Starclan grants you the guardianship of Fireclan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity."

"Dawnstar, Dawnstar, Dawnstar!"

Dawnstar looked at the warriors in front of her, raising her head and tail proudly.

Looking back, Dawnstar nodded at Snowstorm and Nova.

Hearing a strange sound, Dawnstar looked back at the Starclan members, watching them fade from view. Dawnstar opened her eyes a few moments later, Snowstorm and Nova awaking as well.

"Come Dawnstar, let's greet Fireclan with your new name."

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