1. A New Day

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Narrator's POV

Today was the day of MAMA awards and many celebrities gathers at this time.

And Naeun knew she had to get ready to face all those male celebrities that usually tries to get her number or asks her out. She had to get ready to reject them and see their pained expressions which obviously pains her as well on the inside, she feels somewhat guilty like not admitting to the crime you actually did do.

Except... today maybe Naeun's worries won't bother her anymore?


Jimin's POV

Today... I'm going to gather my courage and protect her from the wolves.

I, of course, know the pain she has inside but she's not able to express those emotions out loud.

Everytime she rejects boys who asks her out or for her number, she... feels sorry to them.

And I can't bare to look at her suffering heart.

In 30 minutes I know what I have to do.

That is to protect her...


Naeun's POV

Apink has just finished posing for the paparazzi on the red carpet and we've been shown to our dressing room.

I wasn't really sure if it was a good thing or not being next to Bangtan's dressing room.

But even before I worried too much about it... a hoobae came to greet apink although even I knew the true motives of the male hoobae, ask me out.

Just as usual, my response was no.

Soon after the hoobae came, male celebrities - young or old, new to ask or had asked me before - started coming over to apink's dressing room. The knocking was kind of getting annoying no matter how many times apink and I hear it.

Until 5 minutes before the awards opening started, someone knocked and we were about to commit murder except we stopped and calmed down after knowing it was only BTS doing some meet and greet backstage.


Jimin's POV

Bangtan and I were up to our last group to greet and it was of course no other than apink sunbaenim.

We only both had 5 minutes to greet each other but we knew it was enough since we were next to each other.

Which meant I get to protect her just like I wanted...

'Cause when I glanced at her, she looked bothered and even the rest of apink members seemed annoyed as well.

During that 5 minutes, BTS just chatted with the apink members whilst I glanced at Naeun once in a few seconds.

If shan't been spacing out I'm sure she would have thought of me as a creep.

Even during the awards opening and awarding ceremonies, I glanced at her every few seconds and stare at her like crazy.

Probably the rest of apink members already spotted me and is most likely going to spread the news to Naeun.

...And there goes being an admirer from afar.

This is why I suck at acting I can't contain my emotions.


Narrator's POV

Whilst apink has a break time in their dressing room; Eunji couldn't help herself but to spread some either good or bad news not only to Naeun but to all of Apink members.

Eunji: Yah! Did you see BTS Park Jimin staring at you heaps? (Directing the question to Naeun who was lost in thoughts)

Hayoung: I think we might have another admirer... (Earning a glare from Naeun)

Bomi: Haha seems like we're teasing her a bit too much. (Also earning a glare from Naeun)

Chorong: Yah! Stop teasing her and get ready to go back out!

Rest of Apink members: Yes!

As soon as Apink walks out, BTS came backstage to their dressing room.

Jimin was the last in line while Naeun was also last in line which gave Jimin more time to stare and admire.

But without knowing, Jimin was caught red handed as Naeun had to go back to get her hat in the dressing room.

Both made eye contact.

That was when Jimin knew that it was time to confess to her. Before she entered the dressing room, Jimin held her hand to stop her and told her in a "manly" way how he feels about her and how he's going to protect her from now on.

It took time to process the situation since it happened in the blink of an eye...


Thank you for reading and I hope you anticipate the next chapter.

I will try to publish chapters for this story on a weekly basis but at the moment I am not sure and so I will update you guys further once I've find out.

Hope you enjoy and please vote for it and comment what you think.

I don't mind if it's a negative comment or not since it helps me know where to improve on.


Beauty & The Beast (Naeun and Jimin = JiEun Version) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now