7. My Fault...

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The ride back was silent...

Naeun heard from Namjoo that Jimin and Taemin's friendship started becoming awkward. Knowing the reason, it was probably her. Naeun had a feeling that Jimin was there when she messaged Taemin...

Although she wished he hadn't seen it, she was glad that he did that way he'd believe that she had no more feelings for Taemin. But is it her fault for the broken friendship?

Breaking Naeun's train of thoughts, Jimin finally spoke.

"It isn't your fault. If that what you were wondering", said Jimin with a reassuring smile that would definitely make you forget about all your worries. "But I do hope you won't talk to him when I go on my world tour..."

"When are you leaving?" Naeun asked, not questioning his decision as she knows how it feels leaving the country as she too is an idol.

"I leave tomorrow morning", Jimin answered. He didn't want to make the atmosphere gloomy so he replied short.

"How long will you be gone for?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe a couple of months..." replied Jimin. But there was just silence in the car. Naeun tried very hard to not show his tears otherwise it shows her weakness of not being able to stand their long distance relationship. "It's fine to cry. You don't have to hold it back, I also won't be able to stand the distance between us".

"But Jimin-ah, remember to take care of yourself and don't over do it. It's fine to show your fans a good show but don't overdo it to the point that you get sick and hurt".

"I'll be fine. You should take care of yourself as well. I'll try my best to call you every night!"

"Don't call me every night if you're too tired, okay? Plus I might be too busy practicing for Apink's comeback..."

Jimin noticed the unsure tone in Naeun's voice that he couldn't help to worry about her.

As the time went by quickly, they arrived at Naeun's dorm and bid each other goodbyes. They didn't want to separate knowing that this would be the last time they see each other...

>>> End of BTS world tour >>>

BTS was now back in South Korea but Apink left a couple weeks before for their own world tour.

During BTS' world tour, Jimin and Naeun contacted each other for a couple of weeks but stopped as Apink's schedule became hectic from their comeback and Jimin's rehearsals went on until midnight. So in the end they had no contact for the whole tour and now they probably won't be able to contact each for another couple of months.

As Jimin and the other members drove back to their dorm, Jimin checked on his phone messages and found Naeun's message which informed him of her tour.

To: Jimin-ah
From: Naeun
Subject: World Tour

Jimin-ah, I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you about the world tour the day that we met before you left. It was just being discussed between the company and my group and I wanted you to focus on your own world tour for now. And I'm sure that by the time you read this message you're probably back in South Korea...

Hopefully I'll be back before you leave again for another tour. Don't forget that I love you so take care of yourself!

Jimin smiled as he read Naeun's message but he couldn't help feeling gloomy as he can't stand the long distance relationship anymore. And that same night, to celebrate the end of BTS' world tour, they decided to go clubbing. Although Jimin disagrees with the idea as he wanted to stay loyal towards Naeun, the sadness within him felt the need to be freed. In the end he went along with the others and there they landed themselves in Gangnam the clubbing suburb in which famous celebrities go.

Their popularity and fame was quite high and so their every move were always recorded, paparazzis would wait for an interesting story to release to the press. Their story was given to them when BTS was pictured with girls in the club. Everyone knew Jimin and Naeun were a thing so this story blew up more than the usual and a much scandalous story appeared when Jimin was seen kissing one of the girls. He was headlined as a "Unloyal Man", "Unfaithful", "A Cheater".

Words travelled fast when you're famous and the news of Jimin kissing another girl got to her. She was rehearsing for that night in Paris, France and all she could think about was the scandal.

Should she believe it or not?


Thank you to all the readers of this story.

I would like to apologise for not updating and hope that you'd understand whatever reason I had.

I know it's been more than a year since I updated but I hope that I can update at least monthly for you guys and finish this story.

For those wondering as to why I decided to update it just now, I would like to say that one of the reasons is that it's BTS' comeback! And I love the whole album and it definitely gave me inspiration but the main reason is that one of the readers commented on the chapter before and gave me the will to write about JimEun again.

Thank you SonNaeunKimTaehyung because of you I was able to publish this chapter.

P.S. the reason Paris, France was decided as the country was cause -liltaertle suggested it and wanted to make the story depressing as Paris is the city of love.


Beauty & The Beast (Naeun and Jimin = JiEun Version) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now