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Chwe Hansol can’t help but throw worried glances at his husband, who is softly humming to the song playing on the radio. It has been three full hours and Seungkwan haven’t said a word, which is unusual because that guy’s a natural chatterbox. One you’d want to shut up forever—but of course, Hansol would never do that to his beloved.

Seungkwan is leaning on the window, eyes animatedly following the passing sceneries while constantly letting out an exasperated sigh. He looked lifeless and bored, Hansol just can’t not be worried because when did Boo Seungkwan got bored? And on a vacation day too!

“Are you okay?”

“. . . .”


“Hmm?” Seungkwan hummed as a response, which added more to Hansol’s concern. Seungkwan don’t just answer in hum. No, he don’t. The usual Seungkwan would answer in a tone dripping with sass and sarcasm, and sometimes he would shout or wail or whatever but he would never do this unless he’s so sick he can’t talk.

“Are you okay? Anything hurting?”

His husband let out an empty chuckle, “I’m fine. Just continue driving.”

But at this moment, the only thing Hansol want to do is stop the car and check on his husband. He wanted to, but how could he suddenly stop in the middle of a busy road? And it’s getting dark outside; meaning, they need to hurry or they might need to sleep in the car.

And Hansol wouldn’t want that. If it’s just him then he’s okay with camping out but he would never want his Seungkwan to sleep in such an uncomfortable and cramp space. So with a sigh, he continued to drive but he would still sneak glances to check if Seungkwan is still alright.

Seungkwan sigh.

Hansol was alarmed.

“Baby, what’s wrong?!” He immediately exclaimed, feeling the sudden rush of fear in his system. Hansol stopped the car, earning angry honks as soon as he did. He glanced outside and saw that they caused a traffic jam. Ah, right, they were at the intersection.

“Drive, Hansol. I’m fine.”

And Hansol did, unwillingly that is. Seungkwan is still being his unusual quiet self. And Hansol is still worrying about his husband. Is he hurt? Not feeling well? Exactly, what is wrong with him today?!

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes. Don’t talk to me.” Seungkwan brushed him off coldly. Hansol pouted, feeling sad at his husband’s rejection.

A minute or so (Hansol didn’t bother counting) and he have his usual chatterbox Seungkwan. His husband is shaking the shit out of him, and he had to shout for him to stop because damn, he’s loosing his grip on the wheels!

“What is it?” He asked after parking the car on the side. Seungkwan jumped and beamed at him.




“Wait—” But Seungkwan is already running off to who knows where. Hansol frustratedly ruffled his hair and followed his husband with a grunt. Even if he’s getting annoyed, he can’t just leave his husband there, right?


“Seungkwan,” he called he finally found him after almost 15 minutes of trying to finding him. He found him gurgling noodles on a corner of a convenience store. Seungkwan choked on his food and Hansol was quick to pat his husband’s back and hand him water.

“What?!” Seungkwan barked after surviving being killed by his beloved food.

Hansol sitted himself next to Seungkwan and looked at him with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows, “Did you just threw a tantrums and walked out on me, because of this?” He asked slowly as if he’s talking to a child.

Seungkwan’s blood rushed to his cheeks and he immediately hid himself behind his hands, “I was hungry, so what!”

And it took Hansol’s life time of self-control not to facepalm himself on the nearest wall—or just leave Seungkwan right then and there.

“Be thankful, I love you. . .” he sighs softly — which didn’t managed to escape Seungkwan’s ears, a shy smile quickly found it’s way to his lips and pink hues paint his cheeks — watching his husband eat with adoration playing on his eyes.

Hansol’s tugged into a michievous grin when one of Seungkwan’s dessert got on the side of his lips without him knowing, and leaned in to eat it.


“Yeah, it’s yummy.” said Hansol as he lick his lips while his eyes was busy flicking over Seungkwan and his lips— his lucious lips.


And Hansol just laughed before leaning in again to capture his husband’s lips. Seungkwan doesn’t protest and instead snaked his hand on Hansol’s nape. Hansol smiled on the kiss and pulled Seungkwan’s waist closer. They kissed with everyone in the store watching them.

Seungkwan felt the heated stares boring at his skull. He ligthly pushed his husband away, flustered and cheeks turning red. Hansol being the naughty guy he is, tried to chase after Seungkwan’s plump lips causing the latter to lightly hit him.

“Stop,” Seungkwan cutely whined. Hansol grin, “Make me.”


“Yes, my boo?”


Hansol licked his dry lips, eyes still glued to Seungkwan’s pouting lips. He leaned close and gave a peck before running out to their car. Laughing as Seungkwan chase him all while shouting and blushing furiously.


All is good. Seungkwan got to hit Hansol for being naughty and Hansol got his fair share of kisses. They continued the ride with silence still enveloping them. Seungkwan is mad at him but at least he got a taste of something sweeter than Seungkwan’s ice cream, he thought that made him grin wider.

“Stop grinning, you ass!”

“Yes, yes, I love your ass~”


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