Chapter 12

978 39 11

Was she dead?


Her voice gradually got louder.

"Please hear me! I'm not dead!"

Kaitlyn kept yelling, but it was no use. All of the boys were sobbing and in a bad state.

"I don't want to die. I don't want to leave the boys. Especially Jungkook." She sobbed along with them. The whole room had a depressing aroma.

"I'm not going to stay like this. I either not exist or somehow go back to life." Anger began filling her mind, lingering. She grit her teeth and shouted, her loudest. The frustrated girl then fell on the floor, wondering what to do, or how to kill herself so she wouldn't even be a ghost.
*****I don't encourage suicide, this is just a story*****

She didn't go through the floor
She felt the floor

"I can feel some things?" Her eyes widened as her sentence turned into a question. She still couldn't feel the boys though.

She made up her mind.
She wouldn't exist anymore so she isn't forced to watch them cry or feel bad.

Luckily, she started to feel more and more things on her way to the bathroom. She filled the bathtub to its maximum, then sat in it and sighed heavily.

"I love you, Bangtan."

~Suicide ahead~
The water slowly covered more of her as she went down. Her head had a headache once there was no more air around her. She could feel the blood rushing, without oxygen. Her eyes felt like they were going to fall out, but she had to bear it. Once the oxygen in her body was completely gone, her mouth immediately started gasping for air, only to be breathing water. She swallowed water until she felt like she was going to vomit, and that her lungs finally filled up with water. Her vision started turning black, until she couldn't feel anything anymore.

"Doctor! Her heartbeat is back!"

"What?! That's impossible!"

Sorry for the short chapter

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