Chapter 16

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A couple of weeks later, Kaitlyn's sleep was brutally interrupted by an alarm. Sound of footsteps, running, filled the house and her ears. Having curiosity drown her, Kaitlyn decided it would be best if ends her sleeping session then.

She quietly opened her door and peeked outside.
"Fuck." Cursed, whispers, worry. It was obviously an emergency.

Tilting her head to the side, gradually getting worried too, Kaitlyn left her room and went to investigate.
"What's happening?"

"Remember Se Jun? He...he took over the queen's throne." Namjoon scratched the back of his head in a frustrated manner.

"What's going to happen then?" She wasn't sure which emotion to feel, other than, of course, worry.

"He's going to take revenge. We need to act fast. I'm sorry it not been long since you arrived here, but we need all the help we can get. Jungkook will give you the equipment you need."

Slowly nodding her head before turning it to look for Jungkook, who was holding a variety of guns. The girl strolled over to him.

"Namjoon says I'm going to help, what do I need?" Even though the kingdom was under a huge weight, she was excited to know what it feels like to go on a mission.

"What?! Namjoon! Are you out of your mind?!" Jungkook says in disbelief. "She's barely been here for a month!"

"Jungkook, you know we need anyone we can get to join, it's really going to help." Namjoon replied in a tone of annoyance.

"It's fine Jungkook, I want to go too." Kaitlyn assured him as a sigh left his lips.

"Fine, don't get into too much trouble." The youngest boy said and gave her the equipment.

A gun with extra bullets, clothes that were stiff and protective enough, and a pocket knife.

After getting ready, all 8 of them left their house they vigilantly and carefully made their way to the entrance of the throne.

As the door opened, they readied to shoot their bullets, though, Se Jun wasn't sitting on the throne.

"Where is he?" Yoongi said in annoyance as all of them looked at the throne in confusion.

"Right here." The voice sent shivers down their spine, Se Jun was standing right behind their backs.

The 8 individuals turned around, being greeted by an evil expression on Se Jun's face.

"You're one and we're 8 give up if you value your life." Jimin warned.

"But now that I'm the new ruler, did you forget I have more powers?" He said raised his hand up, which sent Jimin, and those close to him, Taehyung and Hoseok, down to the floor.

Most of the boys bit their lips acknowledging that it was going to be a hard fight, but having no more time to waste, they put their guns up.

"One shot and you're gone." Jin stated then followed his words by actions. The bullet simply went through Se Jun's chest.

"You seem to have forgotten everything, vampires can't kill vampires with stronger powers." Se Jun smirked.

"You seem to have forgotten too, I'm not a vampire." Kaitlyn smirked back. "Only half."

With a blink of an eye, Se Jun caught Jungkook, wrapping his arm around the boy's neck.
"A movement could kill him, think about your choice, Kait."

Kaitlyn gulped and so did the boys. "You can't."

"Oh but I can and I will, that was a lip movement." He wrapped his arms around the boy's neck tighter, Jungkook's face turned bright red. His arms were stronger due to his power.

She knew if she raised her gun and readied to shoot, he would kill Jungkook before the bullet left the gun. A tear streamed down the youngest's face, he looked like he wanted to say something, but it was all caught up in his throat where he was being choked to death.

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