It Started With A Dance

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It wasn't their first dance together but it wasn't their last either.

Tara and Christian had been getting to know one another better, been able to work together.

The boy who had stumbled upon her in the boys' training room in only a training bra had turned out to be a very good pas de deux partner.

And a more trustworthy person than she would've thought (with the whole Training Bra incident).

Which made tonight all the more special.

It didn't start out grandly for sure but right now, after running breathless throughout the park, the adrenaline running through her veins prompted her to take the hand that was offered to her by her pas de deux partner.

The dance that followed was something  she'd never forget.

It was peaceful yet exciting, the moment she was in, in the bubble that the dance with Christian had created.

It was a moment that made her love dance even more; a moment that made all of the homesickness, peer pressure and constant embarrassment worth it;
a moment that reminded her further to never give up because if something like this could be created out of bad beginnings, who knows what else could come with determination, perseverance and an open mind.

And when it ended with them both sprawled out on the grass, looking up at the night sky, her in her party dress and him in normal Christian clothes, she took that moment to just breathe, to soak it in and live in the moment (something she hadn't gotten the opportunity to do since she arrived at the Academy).

And so they talked.

They talked about the stars and the classes at the Academy and how nice the night was and when he leaned over and they were nose to nose and she was staring at his beautiful dark eyes, the kiss that followed couldn't be better described than right (and too short in her opinion).

When it ended, he drew back and looked for signs of regret and once he didn't find any on her face, he smiled a brilliant smile (that instantly became her favorite thing to see) and leaned down to kiss her again.

The moment was cut short when both of them realized by quickly glancing at Christian's watch that they were dangerously close to missing curfew.

So, they ran back to the Academy hand in hand (which probably didn't make them any faster but felt amazing anyway).

Once they got into the Student Residence Dorm, he bid her goodnight with another peck on the lips and the words "See you tomorrow Training Bra".

And as she fell into her bed, she had the feeling that it was the start of something life changing.

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