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It stung.

And then Kat wondered why.

This happened every year.

Her parents would either be too busy on her birthday and forget to wish her a happy birthday until 3 days later or forget that it was her birthday entirely.

She long since realized the hierarchy of love and attention in the Karamakov "Family" ( it was barely a family on the best of days) :

1) Their careers (which 99% revolved around ballet)
2) Ballet
3) Ethan's ballet & choreography skills
4) Ethan
5) Her ballet skills
6) Her grades at the academy
7) The temperature in Russia
8) The human being that was her

Needless to say, Kat should have seen this coming.

But it never stopped hurting.

And so she rushed out of the door that morning, not caring in the least where she was going only that it was as far from her cold house as possible.

She did not count on running straight into her brother.

And she stumbled back, clutching her ballet bag with one hand, she reminded herself of the age old fact about flawless "Mr. Perfect" older brothers - they were everywhere.

"Ah, Kat! There you are! I wanted to tell you something exciting! So Mr. Kennedy said th-"

"Are you kidding me" She muttered under her breath.

"Are you honestly joking right now!" She said raising her voice louder now as she looked into the stunned face of her older brother.

"I'd have thought that you of all people, you who loved to make my childhood a living nightmare so often, would realize what today is. What today is for me ! I guess not!!" Kat shouted

"Just another important day for the flawless Ethan Karamakov!!! Well do me a quick favor, tell me tomorrow. Because I can't take anymore of this family today!"

With that, she stormed off, intent on getting this horrible day over with as soon as possible.

Just another awful birthday to add to the list she thought glumly.

When she got to the Academy, Sammy, Christian, and Tara (and even Abigail although it was done under her breath and in the passing) had only seconds to wish her Happy Birthday before Miss Raine had them working to the bone to prepare for the upcoming showcase in a couple months.

Kat had considered skipping school today but decided against it as Miss Raine's fury would have followed her no matter where she was.

And so, during lunch, in half righteous fury and half exhaustion, Kat decided to plan a birthday party for herself.

But she heard it going around the campus, through the grapevine, that there was already a party taking place in only a couple of hours.

Kat couldn't wait.

She was constantly looking at the clock,
waiting for the moment that class got out and she could lose herself in the party, dancing freely - a style that wasn't uptight and ballet - and drinking as much punch to forget the cold rooms and people that is the Karamakov house and family.

And she got there faster than lightning.

The moment she arrived though, she knew it was missing something - her friends.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she focused on dancing her heart.

She saw a few guys eyeing her up in a manner that made her quite uncomfortable.

In an effort to deter them from coming closer, she grabbed a red solo cup filled with punch and held it to her lips.

The moment that happened, out of nowhere came a hand that knocked the drink out of her hands, spilling the rest of the drinks across the floor.

The creepy men who had been eyeing her were stepping back.

Confused, Kat realized once again that there was a hand on her wrist. Her eyes followed this hand to the arm it belonged to and the body the arm belonged to and found a very familiar face.


Who currently was looking the most terrifying she'd seen him. Her dad's piercing stare that made many dancers cry and instantly retire was made all that more intimidating through Ethan's blue eyes.

She'd never been so happy to see her older brother in her life.

He breathed a huge sigh of relief upon seeing that her eyes look at him.

"Kat, thank goodness I found you. I have been looking for you forever. Come on!"

He said as he started dragging her out of the party.

"No Ethan! I would prefer to sleep and forget this day ever happened."

"You lazy sack of potatoes." He said with a laugh as he offered his back to her.

"You know it!" She exclaimed gleefully as she got a piggy back ride from her older brother.

"My feet thank you kind sir"

She expected her brother to lead her to the student housing and to her room but instead he put her down in her.... backyard???



Was shouted from the people who magically appeared in her backyard.

Ethan, Sammy, Abigail, Tara and Christian, and her parents.


"We have had this planned for ages. We know it wasn't much but we haven't had much free time at the Academy. We were hoping to surprise you!" Tara said.

"Why are you here? You have always forgotten my birthday!" Kat questioned her parents.

"We have never forgotten about your birthday. We were able to call in family time at work for the next 72 hours to come celebrate your birthday with you darling." Her mother said.

Her dad came over to give her a hug for the first time in such a long time.

" Happy Birthday daughter that I adore"

"Thanks" Kat whispered into his shoulder.

Drawing away from him,

"Now my birthday is a time where no one speaks of ballet or work. Not a word!!"

And she hadn't smiled that hard in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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