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Hello all! 

Yeah, you're probably thinking, "Wow, a contest already? That was fast." But really, what better way to inaugurate our cause than by hosting an event sure to bring dozens of eager competitors flocking to our page? Kind of a no-brainer.

Anyway, on to the rules that separate us from savages:

1) Your story MUST BE AN URBAN FANTASY. (If you're unsure what that entails, I direct you to our page's profile description, where @eleholly has provided an apt definition of the genre.) The reason for this is to bring greater attention to stories that qualify as UF, as that is the entire purpose of our page.

2) All stories must be written in ENGLISH.

3) You can only enter ONE STORY. This is due to the fact that it's only the two of us currently, so judging winners and so forth is already going to be a handful without a boat-load of entries.

4) You must FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT and ADD THIS BOOK TO YOUR LIBRARY. This will help ensure you receive important updates about the awards. Additionally, you may follow the admins of the awards, Xemnas4 and eleholly. While this is not a requirement for entry, this helps bring greater attention to not only this contest, but our combined push to highlight the Urban Fantasy genre.

5) You must TAG 3 PEOPLE in your submission form. Preferably those with UF stories who might be interested in competing as well.

6) ANYONE WHO CAUSES PROBLEMS, DRAMA, ETC, WILL BE EJECTED FROM THIS CONTEST. Troublemakers, divas and prima donnas will not be tolerated. Period.

7) Tag your story with #URBANFANTASYAWARDS. We will only accept your entry if you've submitted it here, but tagging it will help keep things organized.

Oh, and just to make sure you're actually reading this whole thing, tell us your favorite color somewhere in your entry form as a password. If it's not there, you won't be accepted.

The Urban Fantasy AwardsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang