Categories & Prizes

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So in case you missed it the other half-dozen times, the only real category in this contest is Urban Fantasy. However, there will also be a number of sub-categories that every entry is AUTOMATICALLY ELIGIBLE to win. These sub-categories consist of:

Best Story

Best Writing

Best Pacing

Best Dialogue

Best Lore/Mythos

Best Ensemble Cast

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Character

The winners of each category will receive a sticker made by eleholly, a follow from this account, and a shout out on this page.

In addition, there will also be the top three overall winners. These winners need not be the winners of any specific category -- we will be looking for the best story overall, that best embodies all of these categories, regardless of whether or not it's the best in any given category. The prizes for the Top 3 are as follows:

First place: a custom sticker for your book cover, your book featured in a reading list on this and both admins' profiles, a follow from all three profiles, a shout-out from all three profiles, a plethora of votes from all three profiles, as well as reviews from both admins in a review book featured on this profile. 

Second place: a custom sticker for your book cover, your book featured in a reading list on this and both admins' profiles, a follow from all three profiles, a shout-out from all three profiles, and a plethora of votes from all three profiles.

Third place: a custom sticker for your book cover, your book featured in a reading list on this and both admins' profiles, a follow from all three profiles, and a shout-out from all three profiles. 

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