~Chapter 1~ Need for Speed

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Quickly, I drive faster down the road, my engine roars as I feel the wind hit my motorbike suit. My eyes are glued to the road as my eyebrows are furrowed angrily as I rev up my engine even more. I've just made my way to Los Angeles for the dirt bike racing, a competition I take part in yearly and sometimes come up in my spare time to practice my stunts and driving. It's quite far but I don't mind. There's always a sharp turn up here though. I carefully lean my body to the right side to turn, I hear something scrape at the back of the engine, a dark red 4x4 is close to mine. I don't turn my head but I feel as if some of the paint has been scratched off of his car from mine. I hear his car engine roar so I rapidly speed up my engine to the nearest petrol station I can find.

I slow down and stop at the back station to hide from the angry driver. I get out, I don't need to fill up but I can maybe hide in the shop for a little while incase he followed me. I breathe in and out turning off my engine. I climb off of my bike and look at the steel engine at the back, some red scratches have been scraped across. It's not like I can quickly polish that off. I don't need to worry either, he doesn't know my name or my registration number - I don't know if it is a he?

Angry Driver

I see him taking off his helmet, he flips his brown hair to the other side and leaves the helmet on his motorcycle seat. I put up my black hood over my head and followed him to the petrol station, he looks around him cautiously as the wind blows his hair slightly to the left. He gets close to the door but he stops, I wait for him to turn around but he doesn't.

"What do you want?" He spat not turning around, I walk closer to him until my mouth his close to his ear and I can see one side of his face.

"I want the money for the damage to my car your stupid bike made!" I shout down his ear, he hesitates from my voice but doesn't move.

"I'm not giving you any money." He spoke, I raise one of my eyebrows. He seems confident but scared.

"Well, I hope you like hospital food." I say moving my fist towards his face but he blocks and shoves his foot between my legs tripping me up. His leg came over me and his foot pressed down on top of my chest so I couldn't get back up. He breathes heavily with his arms dangling down out of breath, I pull his arms as he falls on top of me. He stares at me with his deep blue eyes, my hood falls from my face so he can see my chocolate brown eyes. There's silence and none of us move. We both stare into each others eyes for a moment. I hear his faint breathing close to me.

"Get the money by Friday!" I say pushing his body off of mine, I prop myself up with my elbows and pulled my hood back up.

"And what if I don't?" He spoke looking at me, his big brown bushy eyebrows are furrowed angrily at me.

"I'll make you pay." I respond in a croaky raspy voice before turning around. I stomp back to my car as he stands back up looking at me. I take out my red lighter and flashed a flame on the end of my cigar, the smoke wafts up in to the air as I breathe in the chemicals and then blow out puffs of smoke like a dragon with no fire. I start up the engine on my 4x4 and watch him standing there as I drive away. As I pull out I see him running over to his bike roaring the engine, I hear it getting louder and closer as he drives down the road I am heading. I huff angrily and pull out so that I'm behind him.

Another one of those biker boys, reckless little punks who don't care about the damage they've caused! I should follow him to see what he's up to. I press my foot down on the peddle and turned the wheel so that I'm driving left down the road. I see his green and black bike up ahead, he's quite a good driver. I speed up so that I'm near him, I look at his registration number; SJ4CK10. I quickly get some paper out of my glove box and a pen from my pocket, I write it down and looked at the letters. It looks like his name is Jack. I can't be sure though but I'll make a note of this. I speed up and indicate to go into another lane, I overtake him quickly and cackled to myself as I see his helmet in the mirror on the side.


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