||Chapter 6||

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Anthony's PoV

After rehearsal Lin said that we were going to grab lunch. I turned cold. I hadn't eaten in 3 days and last time I had eaten without permission my father had beaten me so hard I hadn't been able to walk for a week. I was starving but I couldn't risk it. I also didn't have any money. I asked Lin if I could see him. He took me into his dressing room.

'Lin I'm not hungry so can I just stay here until you guys get back.' I asked him. He laughed at me.

'Anthony you must be hungry. I picked you up before your lunch break at college and you have been singing for 3 hours.' He tried to reason with me.

'Yeah but I also need to get on with some college work and this is the only chance I will get to do it.' I argued.

'Anthony, you can do your college work at home but I want you to come out with the cast and bond with us.' He finished knowing that he had won the argument. He walked out triumphantly and I miserable trailed behind him and we left.

We arrived at a Wendy's and we were taken to a table. Everyone was laughing and chatting while I stared at the menu but not really looking at it. I was snapped back to reality by Leslie nudging me. I looked up at him.

'Y-yeah?' I whispered.

'Dude it's your turn to order.' Daveed said looking at me in concern.

'Um...I'm not hungry.' I lied. They all sighed and the girls looked at me with pity on their faces.

'Play cut the crap man. Your obviously starving. You have been staring at the food the entire time we've been here so don't tell me you're not hungry because you obviously are.' Chris snapped at me. It reminded me of my father so I began to shake. He was going to hit me I just knew it.

'Hey Chris just lay off the kid, man. He didn't do anything wrong.' Oak said to Chris.

'Oh like you haven't noticed how skinny he is. You look like you haven't eaten in days.' Chris scoffed.

'Alright that's it Chris can I talk to you outside.' Lin said glaring at Chris. They both went outside and we could see them yelling at each other. I felt awful. This was all my fault.

'I should go. Can you tell Lin that he can find a different Lauren's and Philip. I'm sorry I should never have cause all this tension. I'm really sorry.' I rushed out as I stood up.

'What are you talking about Anthony you haven't caused anything. And Lin spent so much time looking for the perfect Lauren's and Philip. He has been bragging about you since he found you. Look sit down.' Pippa said in a voice that reminded me of my mother. I reluctantly sat down.

'Now Anthony when was the last time you ate?' Pippa asked me.

'3 days ago.' I whispered. They all looked at me shocked.

'Anthony that's really not healthy.' Renee told me sadly.

'Why aren't you eating kid?' Oak asked me. I didn't answer him. Knowing that they wouldn't get an answer from me they all began trying to persuade me to eat something but I knew that I couldn't. Finally Lin walked back in and they all dropped it. Chris made his way over and sat down next to me. I tried to shuffle closer to Pippa but he began to speak to me.

'Anthony I'm really sorry I snapped at you. Honestly I really don't know what came over me. Do you think you could accept my apology and we could move on?' He asked me. I accepted his apology because I knew that refusing an apology just got you another beating. He walked away and happily began to talk to Leslie. Thayne took this opportunity to shuffle closer to me.

'You know,' he began while bringing a linch box out of his bag,' the cookies hear are really crappy. But my mum she makes the best cookies. Please will you try one. If not then I will eat them all and the others will make fun of me.' He pleaded with me. I tried to refuse but in the end he wore me down. I ended up eating 5 cookies. While this made the others smile I left Wendy's knowing that I would get a beating tonight.



Another chapter

Eleanor xx

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