Act 7: Awaited trails

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-" Are guys ready?" Said Kenji excitedly .
-" You bet we are!" Hitomi and Emily shouted.
-" Good luck sweetie... uhh I mean Kenji " said Emily before giving him a little kiss on the cheek .
-" Oh boy... she really likes me " he said curiously before watching the two storm off.
The principal and other teachers began calling out student names. Hitomi heard a familiar name .
-" Kenji Akiyama please report to the field". Said the announcer.
-" This is it, it's time Kenji. Do your best " said Hitomi as Kenji walked up to the field to face the chaotic beast. Kenji then picked up the state of the art sword. The professor interrupted:
-" A knight huh? Good choice friend; when you're ready I'll open the gate to begin."

Kenji grabbed his moon necklace given by his father.
-" I'll make you proud, both of you... I'm ready " He said as the professor opened the gate.
-" good luck kid"
-" Let's do this " As he quickly grabbed his high tech sword and started into the horrifying monster.
-" Boy your ugly"

The monster quickly charged at Kenji with very high speed.Kenji countered; as it was nothing and sliced the beast from the back. The monster didn't even flinched at kenji's attack.
-" No effect, well guess I'll just have to find a weak point."
He concentrated on the monster's next move, he noticed a green cristal on it's side. He ran as fast as he could to slay it;as he got closer it was far to soon to stroke it manually so he threw his sword. Kenji brave and experienced he was, was certain he hit it and by all odds he was Victorious. The beast fell to the ground before it can make another move. Principal Rickson and the faculty were all so impressed by kenji's performance.
-" Well I think we've all agreed that You mister Kenji are in sparrow."
He was later given an ocean blue jacket representing sparrow.
-" Alright blue my favorite!" Said Kenji as he desperately wanted to put it on as it fitted perfectly.
-" Wow Kenji that was amazing! When did you learned to do all that?!" Said Emily very excitedly.
-" Oh it's nothing and like I said it was my parents who trained me" he replied.
-" Your mom and dad sound pretty cool too! Especially your dad"
-" He was... he'd always said to use those skills to protect and to save ... but enough about that you need to focus on the test, have you already figured out how to use your summoner powers?"
-" Sweetie your cute but don't treat me like a seven year old" she giggled slightly.
-" Yes, actually I already found a new way to summon powerful monsters and spells in the ancient art ways such as an actual tornado, lightning storms healing spells, etc." she said with such a happy tone as for her dedication for magic.
-" Wow! You've learned all those things in a couple of hours? That's amazing! If I've learned magic I would last a year and still don't have a thing on what I'm doing" he said with just confidence as Emily giggled.
-" Hey Hitomi Emily?"
-" she's getting ready for her test that'll start any minute now."
-" Hitomi akiyama please present yourself to the field ." The announcer yelled.

Hitomi walked right into the table, there waiting for her was a variety of weapons to choose from but as Kenji said in honor of her father she too picked up and proceeded through with a very sharp sword.
As she was still on the table when the principal called out to her and said carefully:
-"I've heard that you're brother did an amazing performance so I suggest you do the same".
-"understood sir " Hitomi responded.
-" please dear call me Rickson." He'd laugh slightly waiting for Hitomi to get ready.

She proceeded through the gate to see a two-headed creature. Hitomi was happy to take on a new challenge.
-" Alright, time to show Kenji he's not the only one who got skills around here".

She ran against the creature and dodged its attacks beautifully and swiftly as she got from the back of the beast only to stab it and kill it.
Everyone went crazy to see that a young girl on her late teens could be so skilled in battle, let alone finishing the earliest. They'd cheered her on ever so gratefully as she walked away.
-" Bravo miss Akiyama, splendid work out there. I proudly inform you that you have been personally selected by rank Raven." Mr. Rickson congratulated her with a lively expression.
-" I'll work hard so that one day my brother and I will save the world from those monstrosities" said the determined Hitomi.
-"And indeed you will my dear, now go on your brothers waiting."
Hitomi ran to Kenji and Emily ever so exited as she gave them a big hug.
-" I did it, i managed to enter to the academy "
-" congrats Hitomi, knew it from the start" said Emily.
-" Now that's my big sis come here!"Kenji yelled while giving Hitomi a big bear hug.
-" Umm k-Kenji your to squeezing me to tight... I can't breathe " Hitomi gasping for air.
-" oh uhh sorry about that. Now all there's left is Emily and then we're set".
-" Umm guys I'm feeling a bit nervous." Said Emily with a down expression.
-" I don't think I can do it after seeing you two go at it ."
-" Don't say that Emily, like I've never seen someone so intelligent like you before and you told me before your all ready knowing everything about summoning and doing spells so you'll do great... I know you will." Said Kenji.
-" Yeah Emily you are a strong and kind girl you just got to believe it yourself and you can do and surpass anything, you just need to try and keep your head up knowing that you can do it" said Hitomi.
-" well, thank you guys so much. I'll do my best for you two " said Emily.
-" Emily fujimoto please report to the field"the announcer called.
-"okay Emily we'll be routing for you on the sidelines" said Kenji.
-" Kenji .... I'll do my best to make you mine someday " she said it to herself while giving them both a bright chuckle.

Emily entered the field after choosing her summoner staff. She was against a very powerful dragon like creature known as the cindertalon but this one was weakened since it wasn't completely reached its full potential, the original adult cindertalon is said to blow even the slightest of fire can destroy an entire army.It had long pointy horns, pitch black dragon scales and deep green eyes, still Emily was willing to do the impossible for Kenji and she promised to herself that she will defeat any those who get between Kenji and her. Emily was preparing a summoning incantation the dragon took flight.
-" Give me the power to destroy all evil with thy flames of justice for I am you ruler and I command you to expel all darkness with in the world. Now come fourth ... Jevrath protector of justice! "
She completely the powerful summoning as a result there was a glowing yellow symbol on the ground; a magical portal opened from it bringing forth the holy dragon.
-" what is thy biding" the beast spoken with an epic godly voice.
-" Oh divine Jevrath I want you to exterminate my enemy before me with your power " she replied.
-" Very well, consider it done " he said.

His eyes glowing bright yellow, he flew soaring through the sky spitting golden flames thus immediately exterminating the creature without a second thought. He returned to the portal in which he came from thus closing it. Emily rested on the ground waiting for the result as she was exhausted from using to much of her magic. Everyone was surprise cheering her like crazy.
-" finally a young, beautiful and talented mage makes it to our school... I wonder if she's single " one of the students caught Emily's eye saying such kind words.
-" My heart belongs to Kenji and someday I'll confess to him my true feelings... I'll always be there for you " said Emily while keeping a promise to herself.

She then looked at the vastly beautiful horizon of the big blue sky until she had stumbled upon mr. Rickson.
-" Well then I hope you're enjoying the view.You are most impressive Emily dear, you're to only summoner to master that spell so quickly and not to mention your last name sound so... familiar."
-" well, keep this a secret but I was already so skilled with magic before because my dad taught me everything I know."
-" could it be that your the daughter of the legendary summoner saburo mrs. Emily?" He said surprised
-" I sure am,he started training me ever since I was a little girl so that's why I'm so good at it."
She paused for a moment as she got up the grass.
-" Wait, how do you know who my father was principal?"
-" we were great friends back when we were about your age but one day while all together just watching the sunset he just vanished. He'd probably had a perfectly good reason why he did it tho... I wonder if the others are doing alright??".
Emily stared at him as he spaced out.
-" Hey-umm Mr. Rickson sir? Umm he probably he had a good reason, maybe he just wanted to do something so important that he couldn't tell all of you"She replied thoughtfully.
-" Yes my dear you maybe right...well anyways you've be selected into crow rank, please make yourself comfortable in your new dorm. The others from are eager to meet you my dear.

After Emily heard that she wasn't on the same rank as Kenji she was a bit down but even though se pushed on for her future lover. She was given the crow representative uniform which is a grey skirt and a long sleeve black skirt with a dark red vest.
-" Thank you you mister Rickson, I'll make you proud like my father was". She smiled cheerfully
-" your father must be so proud of you miss Emily, keep up the good work".
Soon later Emily was reunited with Kenji and Hitomi, the principal was already on stage preparing to say some words.
-" Now then, all the newly ranked students will leave to their new dorms in a bit but please we'll allow a one hour recess time to all students before that so please enjoy."

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