Rain and Murder

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                I was driving home a few hours later. I was about to get out of the car when it started to rain. "Great, just great." Just then, something jumped in front of my car. It was a boy my age on a bike, and he looked terrified. I saw a car racing behind him. I quickly popped the trunk so that he could climb into the back seat. “Get in!”

                He didn’t even think twice. He was barely in the car before I pealed out of there. The boy closed the trunk and climbed over the back seat. He was soaked and I felt a little nervous about him getting too close. The car that had been chasing him was right behind us. I didn’t know what was going on, but the fear in this boy’s eyes… I couldn’t just leave him.

                I quickly pulled into and ally way and turned off my lights and car. I looked nervously as the boy. I rolled the back window down just a crack to hear what was going on. The car that had ben chasing us stopped outside the ally way, where we could see it, but it couldn’t see us. The car’s window rolled down.

                “Isaac!” A male voice called, and the boy next to me stiffened. I held my breath. The window rolled back up and a man got out of the car. He started walking towards us, but I knew he couldn’t see us. “Isaac! Isaac?”

                It was then that something jumped in-between the car and the man. I looked back at the boy who I now knew was Isaac. He looked at me. We both looked back, and the figure was gone.

                “Okay!” The man called. “That’s enough. Let’s go.” He was trying to coax Isaac out. Subconsciously, I locked my car. “Isaac get out of that car and let’s go!” He shouted. The figure was back. I turned on my car, getting ready to peal out of their if I have to. “Isaac?” The fog cleared a bit. I could finally see what was in front of my car. I was in shock. It was covered in scales. It had a long tail, but it looked a bit like a human. I took a short intake of breath.  “Holy shit!” The man screamed and ran for the safety of his car.

                He had barely made it in when that.. thing started attacking his car, trying to get at the man inside. Isaac and I watched in horror as the car door was yanked off the car, and the creature started tarring into the man. The inside of the car was covered in blood. I  felt like it was going to be sick. It took all I could not to get sick. While the creature was distracted, I rolled up the window and peeled out of there.

                “We are not going to be its dessert!” I told Isaac as I sped out of there. Isaac watched the car out of the back window. I sighed. “Who was that?”

                “My dad.” He whispered.

                “Oh.” I turned the heat on for him. “Where can I take you Isaac?”

                “Take the next left and them go strait.” He mumbled.

                I looked back again and saw he was still wet. “Isaac. There are some towels under the seat if you need them.”


                “It’s fine.” Ever since I became a mermaid, I keep extra towels around me. Better safe than sorry. “I’m um, I’m Narissa Cooper.”

                “Isaac Lahey. Turn here.” I did as I was told and was really confused. I was led to an abandoned train station. “Where are—“ before I could finish, Isaac was out of the car and running in. I opened the door to go chase after him, but there was a huge puddle under my car. “Isaac! I can’t!”

Claws and Tailsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن