~Chapter six~

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  I walk through the dark creepy woods while the moon shines my path.

I hear a loud scream, I cover my ears as it continued to hurt my ears. My curious mind beats me and before I know it I'm walking towards the piercing shout what I'm assuming is a girl.

The sound gets louder and more when I'm almost there. I stop my tracks and see a girl on the floor sobbing while a man is standing in front of her. They start speaking but I couldn't make up what they are saying . I try to get closer to know what they are actually saying . I try not be too close in case they see me.

The girl stops and looks up at the man , I see the girl face more clear but at the same time its still a bit blur cause of the fog that's appearing . She seem familiar but I couldn't figure out where I saw her before . I notice the clear blue sky starts to change to a darker colour. It was like the sky was following the dark mood.

Some moment the strange man leaves the girl and goes to a car that I didn't see before. Wait how did I get here?

She starts getting up and walking towards me. I keep still like I'm frozen on spot not daring to move an inch. The wind blows through the thick air and making strange sounds. Before the girl touches my forearm she disappears into the air with the wind taking her.

I look around my surroundings but it all changes into a whole different place. 'Is this a dream ?' My mind goes all over wondering where I was. When it's done changing I realize where I end up on.

It's still dark outside but the air felt lighter. There was a house just in the middle of nowhere. I look down seeing I'm in a field of long grass that stop at my hip. I walk through I still hurting from before. The more I step closer to the house the field gets longer. I try running but it was no use.


 My body bolts up as I wake up from the weird dream. I try to figure out if there was a some what connection to life and the dream. But my mind keeps repeating the part where the crying girl disappearing in front of my eyes.

Close to the end it seems to be like my last dream but without the house and the shadow.

I lay down back again to calm down. I check the time on my phone and see it already 2:30 pm. 'Did I really took that long to dream ?'

 I remember that I'm meeting Jace today and the mall is going to close at 9:00 pm. So we would still have some time to hang out together.


  I go in the shower and feeling the hit of the warm water burning my skin. I stay in that spot for about 3minutes, then start to wash my hair.

When I get out of the bathroom, I go back to my room to change.

  But when I finish changing into my clean clothes. I feel like someone is watching me. I look around but there isn't any body.

A loud banging sound was coming from downstairs and a little yelp.

 I run downstairs feeling someone was breaking in. It couldn't be Aunt Karen since she was at the store buying food for the month.

I crash into a hard chest and falling behind. Looking up I find a boy named Jace.

  "What the heck are you doing here?" I shout at him feeling a little mad since he scared me a lot. "Well, you said we should see each other since you never hang out with me cause of your girlfriend.

I roll my eyes and hit him on the head. " That doesn't mean you can come here and sound like a robbery ."

" Just trying to scare you like old times cause you're so jumpy all the time", Jace says while jumping on my sofa to watch some Television.

"  Wait how do you have my keys to my house ?". I ask in curiosity.

" Aunt gives me them last week because I was waiting for you outside, but you were out somewhere". He stops and looks down but then looks up and catches my eyes again. As well continued again, " probably with Amanda". We both just don't say anything until he starts again. " Oh well let's go ?", he stands up and heads for the door. I nod my head and think why he was acting weird. I mean I know that I'm spending less time with him but why did he seem more sad about it this time?


   I hand the cashier the money for the sweater I want to buy.

I realize that I barely have clothes and I need to buy more.

  I look for Jace all around but I don't see him anywhere, that until I find him looking at a necklace. It was beautiful, It was silver and had a sparkly glitter around some parts. He keeps staring at it but then looks away for a moment. Jace takes a step back he walks away. I look back at the necklace and below where the price is. It was only $79.95, I couldn't believe that the little necklace was that many dollars. I remind myself that Jace already left. I speed walk to catch up to him but as I was doing it give me an idea.

 You see his birthday was only two weeks away and I could tell Jace liked that necklace so if I were to buy it for him. He would be the happy and normal self again is what I'm hoping for.

"Hey, Jace hold up " I try to figure out why he was in such a rush to get out of the store.

He stops and waits for me to be right beside. " Are you hungry Jace?"

 I stop to think, well I didn't eat anything today but I wasn't starving. But I guess I should at least eat some thing today so I don't Pass out.

 "Sure I guess so " I whisper. We both head off to the nearest restaurant.


  We enter The restaurant and take our seats. We order simple food and wait and talk. When we finally get our food we rush to eat it. But some one comes in the store which was Amanda ."Uhm Jace looks behind you " Jace eyes watch some thing behind me. I follow where he's looking at and see Amanda as well some guy kissing her lips.

   I'm so sorry - I cut him off before he finishes, "can we go home ?" I whisper him. He nods and takes my arm before asking for the check to pay. I tell him I didn't want Amanda to see me like this. So we try to go out the back.

  But I hear my name being called. I take Jace hand and start running so I don't lose Jace. When manager to head out of the restaurant and to Jace car. I can feel his stares but I shake it away not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.

 I felt like crying but that wasn't going to do anything. The only reason I felt sad wasn't that I really like Amanda but she was my first girlfriend. Maybe I'm scared that I'm can't find any one who likes me again.

  Or I'm being foolish and talking non-sense. But I didn't know cause my thoughts were being clouded with dark thoughts around. 


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