Part 17

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The four of you were outside sitting at a table drinking and eating.

-I only say that I can ...

-No, Luffy, you will not be with (y/n) when she starts talking to the girl-Ace says-You are a demon, remember?

-Yes, but nobody knows that I'm out and it's been years, maybe nobody remembers me

-We don't want any risk-Law says-All you can do is keep an eye on her from afar, and if you see any demons, make sure they don't come near you

-Or if you see her friends don't let them see her and no Luffy, we don't need their help

-This is boring-Luffy says

-There she is-Ace says and points at her-It probably won't be easy like the other one but ...

-Wait-You say-She Rebecca? the Rebecca I have to be a friend?-They see you surprised

-Yes, why?

You stand up and they look at you walking towards her. When you go closer to her, you smile.

-Re... Rebecca? it's you?-She looks at you and she gets surprised


They see the two of you looking at each other, then smile and give each other a hug and talk to each other.

-They know each other?-Law says and Ace laughs

-I was really lucky to meet (y/n), this will be easier than I expected-Ace says

-You know this will be fast and that means you won't be with (y/n) for many days-Luffy says and Ace gets serious

-I'm leaving-Law says

-Where are you going?-Ace asks-I thought we would be watching her

-You know what I'm doing and you two are here, also remember that the girl has people taking care of her so demons won't go near them

-So, can I leave too?

-Do you have something to do?-Ace ask Luffy


-What is it?

-I ... well ... LOOK A THAT-Luffy points in a direction

-See what?-Ace looks but when he looks at Luffy again he left

-That idiot disappears in public-Law sighs-Well, have fun and take good care of her-He tart walking


-What?-Law looks at him and there was silence

-Well ...-He look away he was still embarrassed about last night-Good luck finding something

-Okay-He look away too-Don't leave her alone

They trying to act as if nothing had happened but it was still a bit uncomfortable to look at each other. Ace has been following you for several hours in the distance. Now you were sitting at a table and continue talking very happy but suddenly two guys walk near you two.

-Hello-One of the guy say-My friend and I are tourists so we want to ask some direction because we a little lost

-HI-Rebecca says -I live here so you can ask me

-Well, so why don't you come with us and show us the place?-The other guy says -It will be good for two beautiful girls to help us

-Well ...-You look at Rebecca and you see that she didn't want to-We can't do it so ask someone else

Property of demons (Ace x Reader x Law)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang