Gabbie and Mac

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Mackenzie's long brown hair hung over the book she was reading, bouncing every time the car rolled over a bump. Her sister, Gabriella, was sprawled out on the seat beside her sleeping with her scrawny legs cradling the cat carrier in her lap. Her mom had been driving for almost 7 hours now and her messy hair, and the fact that she kept yawning, showed it.
Mac's dad was supposedly already at their new home in Toronto, hauling all the bigger things out of the moving truck. The family's big SUV was carrying everything else, including a rather large box full of CDs that sat between the sisters and jabbed them every 10 seconds like a child pestering its mother. The car screeched to a halt and Gabbie quickly sat up, tossing her hair which was braided at the back but otherwise the exact same as her sister's, in fact everything about them was the same, their blue eyes, freckled faces, skinny figures, after all, the were identical twins. Mac leaned forward in her seat "are we there?" She asked glaring at a particularly ugly looking house beside them. "Yep this is it" she replies looking out at the beautiful condo parked in front of them. The moving truck was still there and before anyone of them could think to move there was dad, opening the driver's door, a huge smile on his face Gabbie groaned "what are you so happy about don't you wish we didn't have to leave?" His smile faded away "girls you know how important this promotion is and I can't be taking an airplane to work everyday" Mac smirked "you would save on gas if we didn't move... big time" their mom turned around "wow only 13 and already you're getting the 'tude, excellent" Gabbie picked the kitten up out of her carrier "well anyway it's not like we'll never see anyone again, we have family to visit back home." Mac opened the door and stepped out of the car breathing in the night air it was what 7, 8 o'clock? Gabbie gently brought the kitten, who was still sleeping out of her carrier and into the cool breeze. For a while they all stood there in deep thought gazing at the large doors of the condominium until finally dad turned around and said "this way girls, I'll show you to our new home.
Gabbie was the first to move, placing the tiny brown shorthair on her shoulder and picking up the carrier and her books and phone. Mac just looked back in the car sadly staring at nothing, wondering what all her friends were doing right now. Tomorrow would be Monday, their first day of their new school. Mac looked up at her mom, who was already taking all the CDs inside. Mac reached in the vehicle grabbed her duffel bag of books and blankets and other things from her room and finally dared to walk through those towering doors. This would be all she needed for tonight.

Ok I know that was crap and I'm not done yet I might add more idek
Just comment ideas or rate🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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